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Author Topic: WA1HLR - PE1MPH qso 29.045 AM  (Read 4310 times)
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pe1mph AM from Holland

« on: October 22, 2013, 01:08:03 PM »

Hello AM Lovers,

Yes!!, I had this afternoon a qso with Tim WA1HLR on 29.045, 10 mtrs AM.
When I were listening earlier in our livingroom, I heard many AM on 10 mtrs.
Therefore I were later busy to get my ant. 2x 25 mtrs 1:1 with my ant. tuner.
Hi, hi... I run often between the transmitter and my ant.tuner...
But I heard the USA AM stations on the background still stronger!
I heard Tim calling and I did try to get a qso with him.... he heard me!
When he heard my call, he did know my name... hi, hi...
He did reading my posting on this AM Forum about my AM info (see 80 and 40).
Tim got by me max. S9 and for me no problem to hear him.
I wondering he heard me, I using only 10 Watts (Yeasu FT 901 DM).
Tim would drink a cup of coffee, but our (Anneke and I) 'dinner's ready' (+/- 17.30 hour).
So I left the studio, but in our livingroom I made a little recording from Tim.

Tim: Thanks for the nice qso in AM! Smiley


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands

* WA1HLR 1 10 mtrs AM.mp3 (1549.43 KB - downloaded 634 times.)
* WA1HLR 2 10 mtrs.mp3 (1739.42 KB - downloaded 622 times.)
* WA1HLR 3 10 mtrs AM.mp3 (1840.31 KB - downloaded 670 times.)

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Posts: 774

pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #1 on: October 22, 2013, 04:19:20 PM »


While we (my wife and I) were eating in het kitchen. Smiley
The cassetterecorder made recordings from Tim.
Sorry I forget to sent this recording (item above).
It stops 'strange'... the tape were at the end... hi, hi...

When tomorrow the conditions are again good on 10 mtrs.
I try to make again a qso on 10 in AM!


Henk, pe1mph
Dokkum, The Netherlands

* WA1HLR 4 10 mtrs AM.mp3 (1840.31 KB - downloaded 681 times.)
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