No it is not stock, Viking II's did not have SSB. You can see the added lettering legends are white and compare them to the mint green factory legends.
I would consider this to be a heavily hacked radio and would not pay much for it (I'm thinking $80). Your mileage may vary.
[edit] I guess I would consider it a 'project' radio, at best. If it is unsalvagable then as a parts donor. I could be convinced to pay a bit more. second thoughts.
I have no desire to purchase this rig was just curious about the mod. I picked up my viking II up at a garage sale for $10.00, and about 10-15 hrs later pulling PTT mod out, recap, and new R13 she was up and running.
The johnson Viking II is a nice transmitter reminds me of my old 32V-1 all though the 32V-1 beat the Viking hands down in pure weight. At age 18 I could lift the 32V-1 all day not anymore well I could, but I would probably blow a gasket somewhere.