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Author Topic: AM activities in JA (2)  (Read 11674 times)
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« on: March 16, 2013, 08:53:47 AM »

Hello guys,
As JO1WXO, Shibata-san announced a couple of months ago, we have lots of AMers QRVing on 7195 in Japan. Most are not big gun but all knows that 2-way AM QSO between US and JA on 40 meters is a real dreem!
I actually have succeeded to have cross-mode QSO with US stations two weeks ago. It was on the WW DX contest on March 2nd:
07:50UTC 7182kHz K0RF, CO
08:46       7157      W6YI, CA
08:49       7131      N6ZZ, CA
08:53       7175      N2IC, NM
Since it was a contest, all the QSO was cross-mode, they were QRVing SSB and I called them AM using my homebrew transmitter: 813 PA(120W carrier) modulated with 811A pp. Though it was cross-mode QSO I was lucky since I got US contester's help.  Anyway,  I'm sure JA's AM signal flew almost 6000 miles over the pacific sea then. 
Since the time 0700-0900UTC is an evening time in Japan, it must be the best time to QRV on JA side. For example, 0830UTC today, we had 1000 mile experimental QSOs between many stations in mainland JA and a Okinawa(Ryukyu Is.) station.  We will try it tomorrow as well.  
So please listen on 7195 around 0700-0900UTC.  You may hear our signals.  Also some might be able to hear YOUR signal from US if you call us there.  We may have QRM from 7199 SSB,  but we are sure many AMers are there in JA. 

Hope the dreem comes true!
Thanks and 73s!

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« Reply #1 on: March 16, 2013, 02:42:08 PM »

Hi Yasuhiro. Glad to hear that many are doing AM over there. I wonder if you could post some pictures of your fine home brew rigs? I went to the web site and when I click on a picture, I get an error notice?


The secrecy of my job prevents me from knowing what I am doing.
Steve - K4HX

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« Reply #2 on: March 16, 2013, 02:47:21 PM »

Thank you for the update. I will listen for your signals. Much will depend on if the frequency is clear in the USA.

After 0900Z both ends appear to be in twilight (your evening, our morning), so this might be the best time to try for a contact. JA stations on SSB were heard with quite strong signals here at our sunrise about 4-6 weeks ago. I was also able to make several long path contacts with JA stations in early January around 2200Z (our afternoon/evening, your morning).

My antenna system is not beaming on either of the preferred paths (330 or 150 degree), but it still may be possible.

* sunmap.png (374.98 KB, 800x568 - viewed 1205 times.)
Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #3 on: March 16, 2013, 03:21:00 PM »

My 40 meter inverted vee is pointed roughly 320 /140 degrees so I'll give a listen. It might be a struggle as this retired person generally never sees sunrise.   Cheesy

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"
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« Reply #4 on: March 16, 2013, 09:33:18 PM »

" It might be a struggle as this retired person generally never sees sunrise.   Cheesy  "


Just stay up later..... you seem to call CQ when I'm going to bed.... ..


What? Me worry?

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« Reply #5 on: March 16, 2013, 10:47:48 PM »

Thanks guys,  for lots of comments.

Elder person will usually wake up in early morning every day?, Pete?!

I am trying to update my homepage at  I've just maintained some links and have added "AM Link" page. But it takes plenty of hours since I didn't touch it for a long time.  Mostly still under construction...  
Brog from JA1KCA,, must be a good introduction of AM activities in JA.  Most operators are aged who love home brewing with tube gears very much, tring to remember their young age.  But arts from their home factory you can see at the brog page look really nice, and work fine with beautiful sound.

The additional information I have to inform you here is that JR1BPR who is located in east Tokyo received K7BUC's AM signal on Feb.21st.  He said it was 59! Then he got surprised and called him again and again but it couldn't (he runs 50W with nice dipole).   It must be very nice condition then since even when he run his car on Feb 22nd, next day,  he recieved K7BUC's signal again.

This means that your singal reached us and our signal reached you, though there were NO 2-way QSO between us so far.   We may possibly to have an opportunity even today!

Talk to you soon!

- jr3xuh / ex. ja1xct  
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