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Author Topic: George's Power Supplies  (Read 52000 times)
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« Reply #75 on: April 04, 2012, 07:45:08 AM »

 I suggest that I can probably get away with putting the plate and filament supply for the modulator on one side and the filament, bias and screen supply for the final on the other.


  Consider using an autotransformer across the 240V balanced feed. Then use the CT as a local Neutral. This way all your loads will be balanced outside the rack. You can often pick these up surplus. Alternatively the 240/120V step up/down transformers available for powering  overseas equipment could be used similarly. The Frye's chain usually carries several options.

Here is one option, the Hammond 170GE 1500VA autotransformer:



Here is a 240V to 120V 500VA stepdown transformer for 50 bucks:

Besides all the complexity with the 60 HZ ground current, loops etc. and the NEC, what about RF ground loops? Is this best a topic on another thread, or can George's thread handle this as well?  Wink

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« Reply #76 on: April 04, 2012, 12:52:44 PM »

Both the main power panel and the add-on breaker box are grounded at the service entrance through a short heavy ground wire directly to the water main entrance below it.  All outlets in the studio/shack are standard hot/neutral/ground types.  The cold water pipe goes directly from the meter under/in the floor of the basement then comes up in the laundry/furnace room about 25 feet away and branches out from there to the hot water heater and the rest of the plumbing.  My current station ground is connected where it comes out of the floor.  I have a ground rod just outside the basement wall in that same area under the eves so the ground is quite moist all the time.  The studio has a separate system grounded to a pipe near my equipment and even though I'm running unbalanced audio inputs and outputs I have absolutely no ground loops so I'm doing something right!  Maybe my best bet for the "George" project is simply use the ground rods alone for it.  As it stands the current station system works great and as they say, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it!"
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