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Author Topic: Testing on 7141  (Read 51718 times)
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poop cup

« Reply #25 on: December 01, 2011, 07:38:30 PM »

Sorry been busy but i hear nothing there but ssb and don't much like hearing quacking in my ears sounds kinda wide maybe there strong here but still i like hear am people not ssb not sure why they have be like they own the whole band!

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« Reply #26 on: December 01, 2011, 10:24:38 PM »

I also notice that . I am used to running SSb on 20M but here on 40 it seems like the SSB takes up huge band width. I will be on early tomorrow morning as soon as I rise , between 6 and 7 am EST. I have the amp working better now. I am making a 4 th design. If nothing else i have learned a lot about screen modulation and rf PAs. You know the stuff they  never put in books. My Pa was hand sensitive and I had the variable cap right at the front. I realized tonite that since I used a dual gang stollen from a 1930s broadcast set I could switch to the back set of plates and that would give me a couple of inches distance. Man what a difference. The hand thing is gone.
I heard a weak am signoal on there this morning but it was almost unreadble. I could just tell he was there and that is all.  I will give it a try when i rise . I will be gone from after 7 till about 1 Pm tomorrow. (I have to go play my fiddle  at The 1802  Station) Thanks everyone for giving a listen for me. i appreciate it.
Don Ve3LYX
BTW with this Pa design I also have CW mode. . I didnt on this rig before. I turn the modulation control up full which really gives full carrier (Raises the screen voltage above the point where the modlator circiut can modulate it much) and then key the PA.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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poop cup

« Reply #27 on: December 01, 2011, 11:14:17 PM »

I like screen modulation my DX-60 is screen modulation with controled carrier nice to run a amp with like a pair of 813's

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« Reply #28 on: December 02, 2011, 07:30:19 AM »

Yes, I just realized I have a big amp downstairs one of my drag racing buddys gave me when he was cleaning out his shop. he had a neighbour build it for him in the seventies. He was a CB er of the bandit variety. I said thanks and just took it but never looked inside. Probably if I wind two  40M coils (input and output) it will work as is. Seems pretty well built. Two TV Sweep tubes (6CL6 G or something like that). Probably around 500 watts. The guy who built it was US Navy trained in electronics and retired up here after a medical discharge. I feel like a cheater though when I use something I didnt build. WhyI dont know. Anyway I may do that and tell myself it is only for emergencies. Like when I need a lot more power! I watched a DX 35 and a DX 40 on Ebay but both ended when I cannot be home. But this one works and sounds good at least from a rx up the road so i will just have to get off my duff and give it more and more stop. After Jim (VE3BJK) sent me his 6l6 tubes which I am now using I stumbled onto a pair of 6l6eh tall boys. I doubt they are any better but they sure look impressive. I would be curious to listen for your rig from this end if your want just give me a sked. That would give me some idea of what to expect. Don VE3LYX
And I would listen fuer Henk PE1MPH also.

* oldsttn.jpg (43.25 KB, 640x480 - viewed 1143 times.)

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #29 on: December 02, 2011, 08:52:18 AM »

And I would listen fuer Henk PE1MPH also.

AM Lovers,
Sometimes I am a little crazy! Grin
To monitor early mornings the 40 mtr band, like I did this morning. Smiley
But, sorry, to many ssb around 7141 khz, and such is not nice listening!!
I can not give you good results for this Fridaymorning.
Because on 7140 & 7143 many strong ssb stations.
And, for them normale?? Huh, a quick R/S and they calling again.
That is 'not' my style, I want to talk longer with another station(s).
I think.... 7141 is not a good choice/option for an AM freq.
Maybe, read this good, maybe we must find a better AM freq. lower or higher on 40 mtrs??
If you have another freq. to test, I want to listen...
No problem for me early mornings, I will monitoring for you and me (us!)!
But I think it should be a good idea, there were MORE USA AM stations using the same freq.!
Above 7200 khz is now, early mornings, no free/clean freq. to use...

Greetings, Henk, PE1MPH, Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #30 on: December 02, 2011, 03:55:11 PM »

Henk , Two things. First, this morning at my music deal I was talking my friend with John Devries. I mentioned talking with you and named your town. John said to tell you he is from Bidderdart. He said even if I spelled it wrong you would know what town I am talking about.
Secondly us Canadians can go low in the band on fone. What do you think about 7120? I dont know your rules but if so we could try that. That elimnates a lot of the QRM but not everyone can work there.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #31 on: December 03, 2011, 04:38:34 PM »

Henk , Two things. First, this morning at my music deal I was talking my friend with John Devries. I mentioned talking with you and named your town. John said to tell you he is from Bidderdart. He said even if I spelled it wrong you would know what town I am talking about.
Secondly us Canadians can go low in the band on fone. What do you think about 7120? I dont know your rules but if so we could try that. That elimnates a lot of the QRM but not everyone can work there.

One: I falling nearly from my chair: John de Vries, Birdaard?
My family comming from Birdaard (Wanswerd aan de Streek).
My grandfather Hendrik and his son (my father Johannes) lived in Birdaard.
Hi, hi... I played, many years back, football in: Birdaard.... Smiley
Second: Please not 7120, often Russians around that freq.
May/can you transmit lower then that freq.?
Have you another freq.-suggestion, which I can monitor?

Greetings, Henk, PE1MPH, Dokkum

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« Reply #32 on: December 03, 2011, 07:12:53 PM »

I am thinking. I can go anywhere BUT I do not like going below 7120 on fone because when i was licensed it was not available for fone use. It was Cw and still pretty w is. I always thought that worked very well. (Es ist fuer mich in stein gemiezelt)Now we can go anywhere but I dont. Just doesnt seem right.
Tim (VE6PG )and the fellows have been running on 7120 sunday around 2 pm here. I suppose you are too close to the Russians for us to be in the clear then. I can go anywhere 7120 and up . I can also get up early and try. Iwas quiet this morning at 4.30 Am my time. 
Don Ve3LYX

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2011, 07:56:04 AM »

I am thinking. I can go anywhere BUT I do not like going below 7120 on fone because when i was licensed it was not available for fone use. It was Cw and still pretty w is. I always thought that worked very well. (Es ist fuer mich in stein gemiezelt)Now we can go anywhere but I dont. Just doesnt seem right.
Tim (VE6PG )and the fellows have been running on 7120 sunday around 2 pm here. I suppose you are too close to the Russians for us to be in the clear then. I can go anywhere 7120 and up . I can also get up early and try. Iwas quiet this morning at 4.30 Am my time.  
Don Ve3LYX

7120 is often in use!
How many khz you may go down?


Henk, Dokkum

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« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2011, 08:34:35 AM »

I would go all the way to 7100 as long as I wasnt on anyones freq.  if you have a chance. Listen though on 7120 today. They had 3 hours in the clear on Am the last two sundays. Do you think I do not have enuf power or do you think we just need the right conditions?

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2011, 09:05:41 AM »

I would go all the way to 7100 as long as I wasnt on anyones freq.  if you have a chance. Listen though on 7120 today. They had 3 hours in the clear on Am the last two sundays. Do you think I do not have enuf power or do you think we just need the right conditions?

Oke, I monitor next week AM! between 7100 - 7120!
And I give you my results...


Henk, PE1MPH

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« Reply #36 on: December 06, 2011, 03:03:52 AM »

I think  will try at 8 and 10 hours(unless 8 hours goes good. ) on 7120 with my Kenwood SSB using the exact same antenna system as the Am then I will know is this antenna ok oder? I can even back my ALC way down to low power to see if I can still be heard. If 7120 is busy I will QSY down to the first open spot. This will tell me if the antenna is ok.
Don Ve3LYX

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais
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« Reply #37 on: December 06, 2011, 04:29:11 AM »

You might consider  Registering is free and it gives you access to receivers around the world.  You can stream the audio and control the remote receivers.  It's real handy to check propagation, signal quality, etc.  It's pretty neat even for non-hams.



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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #38 on: December 06, 2011, 09:12:32 AM »

You might consider You can stream the audio and control the remote receivers.  It's real handy to check propagation, signal quality, etc.  It's pretty neat even for non-hams.

Good idea, but I give you my results, from yesterday and today.
No change for me to copy (weak) am on 7120 khz!
Many ssb on and around these freq., mosty from the East (Russians).
Between 7100 - 7125 pleny ssb stations on air early mornings by me.
I think between 7180 - 7195 or around 7130 khz can be the best part.
Just above the Arabic? broadcaster on 7175 khz.
Check, for example:

Greetings, Henk, PE1MPH, Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #39 on: December 06, 2011, 09:55:50 AM »

I tested the antenna. It is fine. Easy contact first try on SSB (Kenwood TS830S) so i can eliminate that as a problem. I joinedGlobal tuners to as they have a rx in Bufflo which is a reasonable distance to expect results. I also found a hi-ratio Audio transformer i and installed it in my modulation circuit. it producesdouble the ac output from my carbon mike. I checked and audio is definatley stronger and I can run more carrier with it although not full  tilt. So the ant is good , the modulator is working well. the power is reasonable. I need just two things. Good conditions (quiet with good propagation )and someone on the other end.Time will supply both. I will have double the power soon when my choke comes for the big PS. I tried it sunday but the small rcvr choke began sending smoke signal sso I gave it a rest and ordered a 90 ma one. I have a HF linear soeone gave me years ago. A homebrew. It was damaged but I fxed it yeaterday however it is a Grounded grid and probably on its best day a 1/4 kilowatt. I am sure this little rig doesnt have enuf soup to drive it. SO I a building another 6l6 amp. I can easly put in a pair and probably will once I get it running on 500 Volts. It is double tuned , both in and out. The current one is Capacitive coupled input from a 3 turn antlink in the main set. Since the coax to the amp isless than 8 inches it is notto my thinking signifcant enuf distance tat the ampwill know it isnt part of the same radio. Power as best I can measure is up huge with the amp over the no amp. Maybe 20+ times. other than be patient there isnt much else to do I  guess.
Don Ve3LYX
Don Ve3LYX   

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #40 on: December 06, 2011, 12:27:29 PM »

I tested the antenna. It is fine. Easy contact first try on SSB (Kenwood TS830S) so i can eliminate that as a problem. I joinedGlobal tuners to as they have a rx in Bufflo which is a reasonable distance to expect results. I also found a hi-ratio Audio transformer i and installed it in my modulation circuit. it producesdouble the ac output from my carbon mike. I checked and audio is definatley stronger and I can run more carrier with it although not full  tilt. So the ant is good , the modulator is working well. the power is reasonable. I need just two things. Good conditions (quiet with good propagation )and someone on the other end.Time will supply both.
Don Ve3LYX   

On which freq. I can hear you? Smiley

Good dx, Henk, pe1mph

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« Reply #41 on: December 07, 2011, 08:57:43 AM »

I reworked the tank yesterday so i can tune down to 3725 . It seems to work decent down there so I will try that today and then make sure I can get back on 40 as well. I plan to try 3725 around 10 oclock. EST  If that is successfull i will try back on 40 as well and will find a spot and let you know here.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #42 on: December 07, 2011, 10:44:15 AM »

I reworked the tank yesterday so i can tune down to 3725 . It seems to work decent down there so I will try that today and then make sure I can get back on 40 as well. I plan to try 3725 around 10 oclock. EST  If that is successfull i will try back on 40 as well and will find a spot and let you know here.

Sorry, oh sorry Don!
On 3725 often ssb very busy..... (today weak am on 3875 from usa heard).
If you can try between 3707 - 3710 khz, mostly Jean & Fortunato are qrv.
On 40 mtrs this morning +/- 7135 clean/free, so I monitor comming mornings these freq. again.... Smiley

Greetings, Henk, Dokkum.

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Crystals are from the stone age

« Reply #43 on: December 08, 2011, 08:43:39 AM »

Do you know Ron VE3UGU from Belleville?
for Al VE3AJM
Yesterday morning as I was driving to town VE3UGU passed me going the other way with his ve3 vanity plate in full view. He is stil around obviously.
Don Ve3LYX

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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pe1mph AM from Holland

« Reply #44 on: December 08, 2011, 01:05:37 PM »

First I were this morning on 3710 khz with F6AQK.
To see if my ant. were hanging after a stormy evening and night.
All ant. are oke, so I can receive and transmit. Smiley
(But just in the news I hear we get more storm!)

Later this morning, in the livingroom, I listen on 40 mtrs.
Again around 7135 not many ssb, only on 7140.
Evenso mostly between 7180 - 7185 not many ssb 'traffic'. Grin


Henk, pe1mph, Dokkum, The Netherlands

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« Reply #45 on: December 20, 2011, 10:53:23 PM »

For  some reason I am not getting out. I have checked with a receiver up to a mile away and it sounds fine but have been unable to get a good solid QSO. I now have a full 10 watts out. I would think that would be enuf on a good day for someone to hear me. I have to think this through.
It does not make sense to me.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2011, 12:29:26 AM »

..don, i likely will hear you, on 7120...saturday at 2pm?...other than that, if it is stable, try the ssb net on 7055..


...Yes, my name is Tim

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« Reply #47 on: December 21, 2011, 03:34:49 PM »

I will Tim but I am convinced 5 to 10 watts just doesnt cut it most days on 40 and 80 for AM. Probably be fine on 10M . Often I can hear the nearest station fine but anything much farther away unless he is running "POWER " is barely discernable. It will change as we get deeper in winter I suspect. I have heard you on several times and have hooped in but most times I am just too weak. My testing says I am getting out and the signal is not bad . I have a local SWL who is also a EE who has volunteered to help me check propagation. Meanwhile I designed and built a 1 tube (#56)transceiver for CW. Dumb thing actually works quite well. That has been a lot of fun. I have developed a noise in my big power supply so I wll have to fix the smaller one but I have everyhing here so it should just take a few minutes. (replace rectifier tube with diodes. ) I am figuring I need about 40 to 100 watts out for decent work.40 being almost the bare minimum except on exceptional days.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais

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« Reply #48 on: December 24, 2011, 11:17:52 AM »

I forgot. I reworked the tank in the transmitter final for 80 M and I cant quiet get into the 7100s. I am stuck on 80/75 meters.
I am going to make a new TX. I have learned so much I think I can do a better job on the next one. It will have more power before and after the central tube where the Rf and Audio mix. Drive harder both Rf and AF and then a good stout class A amp after what is now the final in my rig. 4 tubes in all. (I will build the central ixing section first then extend it out from that. On wood with tubes of course. I have a 500 Watt linear some ex US marine tech built that I frien gave me with a pair of 6cl6s cathode driven. I think I would need about 7 or 8 watts to drive it full . I think I can make 15 to 20 out with my new design. I have decided I willl build rather than buy. I get beat out on every Ebay atem anyway then it shows up the next day as a new listing. (Shame shame) In the  meantime I am monitoring 3705 and 3710. Tubes are warmed up and I am ready to jump in if possible.

Don VE3LYX<br />Eng, DE & petite Francais
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