Hey guys. Bought this little mod transformer for cheap from ebay, thinking I might be able to use it to build a universal modulator/power supply to use with my arc-5 transmitters or my german ww2 FUG10 transmitter and perhaps other PW transmitters.
Googling the marks on the trafo, I find it to belong to an AN/URT7c, which had 807's in the modulator and two 4CX150 as finals.
Attached a screenshot from the URT7 manual showing the modulator section. Voltages seems to be about what I'm planning on using, around 5-600 volts (although some claim the fug10 wants 800v).
And around 200v regulated screen voltage
Triode connected 807's feels simpler to build, uses less different voltages, is it s good idea?
Appreciate inputs
//Tommy, SA2CLC