Reflections from Walt

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Steve - K4HX:

We are most fortunate to have Walter Maxwell, W2DU as a regular here on AMfone. His experience and knowledge is vast with 70 plus years in ham radio and an amazing career in engineering. Hey, how many guys have a balun named for them! Walt has posted some of his experiences and work in the past. These are too valuable to disappear after some time in the QSO section. So, I've moved them here for all to enjoy.

Walt, you are welcome to post more reflections here, if you wish. Many thanks for sharing.  We are all richer for it.


Outstanding idea Steve, and we are indeed most fortunate to have Walt here.
I know that he is a real gentleman and far too humble to share his accomplishments here, but do check his bio at the link below and you'll see how blessed we are.
Walt is one of the sharpest writers on feed line and antenna theory that I've ever had to pleasure to read, he has the knack of taking even the most esoteric and complex theories and boiling them down to a point that any one can understand. If you have not read his "Reflections" series, I would strongly encourage you to do so.
I'll have a review of Walt's latest Reflections book coming out in the next month or so...but you don't need to wait for my review, its well worth a read right now!

Walt's bio -->>

Walt's website -->>


Very good idea. WM's content and writings are always appreciated.



Steve, I can't think of any higher honor than what you have bestowed on me by placing a new category on the board especially for my posts describing my experiences during the earliest days in the space era. I greatly appreciate this honor and I will fully respect it. I am totally pleased that this great group of AM people has found my experiences of such interest.

A cordial thank you to all for your consideration in this manner.



I have always enjoyed Walt's writings, and had the pleasure of meeting and talking with him in person the past two years at Dayton.

Maybe just a coincidence, but still, I can't help wondering if Walt's genealogy might share a common thread with James Clerk Maxwell.

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