Hi all.
Fisthyl my english not good i hope you understand me.
I have one antenna shematic and soon i will make this antenna. this antenna is long wire but have one non-inductive resistor in center.
of course firsth element is 1:9 unun and for 40 M. band full size wire and 500 ohm non-inductive resistor after 20M band quarter wave wire (5 meter wire)..... for 15 m. band quater wawe wire.... for 10 m. band. wire........... this antenna very old arrl hand book have. and my friend say me " this antenna has good gain for 20. 15. and 10 meter i will setup this ant. 25 meter up the ground i dont know any body have idea for this antenna

This antenna Work well ?
This antenna better than mono band Dipol ?
This antenna beter than fishin line antenna ?
This antenna will work 80 and 160 M. ?
best 73' TA4AU