There seems alot of different mods out there for the 706MkIIG. Can you help me sort it out and figure out the best way to improve both AM reception and TX on my stock IIg?
- JT
TJ the best way to improve the TX audio is do my audio stage mods. The tough part about the 706 is finding the FL-102 IF filter for better RX selectivity. I have two of them here and I have two 706MkIIG's. Keep looking on ebay, they pop-up and get scooped up quick.
I would like to find a filter that would pop into the 706MkIIG for 6KC am selectivity, but the problem is that ICOM never provided provisions in configuration menu's of the 706 for a more selective AM IF Filter. You wouldn't even need to perform any circuitry changes to the radio if the software could do it, there's nothing missing in the radio to do, I just have to hack the rig to do the job...
I have demonstrated that it is possible to place a better filter into the radio with mods, but no company will manufacture a filter for the rig if it requires serious mods to make it work.
-Bill 'GF