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Author Topic: Heatkit band scope. Need info and manual  (Read 4424 times)
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« on: January 07, 2010, 09:40:15 PM »

Cleaned out the store room today for the upcomming ham fest.  Found a Heatkit HAMSCAN.  I know nothing about it.

I made a PL to BNC cable, Plugged it into the SP600s IF jack.  Fired it up and it came to life.  Keyed an SS rig into a Dummy until I found the Signal.  Seems to work but I have no manual or info for the unit. I see that all of the heath manuals are gone from the BAMA site.  Anyone have a copy or scan?

Here is a shot of the thing:

On top is an RF sensing Freq counter, and my DFD1 Digital display for the SP600. It works by getting the signal off the tube shield of the OSC tube. 


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« Reply #1 on: January 07, 2010, 09:53:33 PM »

Cleaned out the store room today for the upcomming ham fest.  Found a Heatkit HAMSCAN.  I know nothing about it.

I made a PL to BNC cable, Plugged it into the SP600s IF jack.  Fired it up and it came to life.  Keyed an SS rig into a Dummy until I found the Signal.  Seems to work but I have no manual or info for the unit. I see that all of the heath manuals are gone from the BAMA site.  Anyone have a copy or scan?

Here is a shot of the thing:

On top is an RF sensing Freq counter, and my DFD1 Digital display for the SP600. It works by getting the signal off the tube shield of the OSC tube. 


I have EVERYTHING AADE puts out.  You canNOT go wrong with their test equipment.

Pete, WA2CWA

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« Reply #2 on: January 07, 2010, 10:27:12 PM »

The HO-13, Ham Scan, is designed to generally connect before the 1st IF Amplifier. The Ham-Scan also needs to be set up for the IF of the receiver your connecting to. Various coils and components were available in the original kit to set up for the IF frequency of interest. Probably the two most common IF setups were 455 KHz and 3395(?) Khz(for Heath SB series).

Pete, WA2CWA - "A Cluttered Desk is a Sign of Genius"
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