Ok, I'll bite
I'm not sure I understand what, or how, whatever happened - happened.
Was this thing in any way hooked up to the transmitter and/or audio system?
Perhaps there was an odd-ball ground loop or something like that. What are the particulars? How was everything connected?
Beats the heck out of me Steve. First time I noticed a problem with this unit was a motor sounding like noise on not only 75 but on the AM broadcast band. I found the problem by going around the house with an AM broadcast RX and used the loop ant in it to triangulate on the problem.
The second time I noticed a problem was a hum on my monitor / receiver system while transmitting although no one else heard it (unplugging the DVD player cured the problem in every case).
The final problem was that gawd-awful sound imposed on my audio chain. In every case the unit was turned off, just plugged in. AGAIN, unplugging it removes all of these problems. Go figger.