Afaik, there is no separate filament transformer.
At least on my 2K-3 and 2KD the filaments are wound on the main HV transformer.
Thus a problem if you have to replace the HV transformer - as I do because it is fried.
That means adding in someplace a filament xfmr.
Regardless, if your model actually has a separate fil transformer (got a jpeg of that PS??) then you want a 10v tranny, since the fils are wired in series.
You could rewire the guts for parallel operation, and use one or two fil xfmrs, but that requires changing the filament choke also... keep in mind the downside of the rig is that it can't be run with just one tube in the hole.
Also, it was designed for 3-400 or later 3-500z tubes.
The 4-400 ought to work, I am told (all the 4-400s that I had when I was working on the linears were broadcast pulls and turned out to be NG/shorted/gassy.

) but I think it draws slightly more quiescent current sitting around...