are we saying then that for my R-388 with a 500kHz IF, that I want something like a 3.990Mhz xtal in the divide by 8 position?
And I guess I can scarf up an old TV somewhere and find a color burst xtal... somehow.
Ya know, people always say, "what are you keeping that
old junk for[/u]"??
Well, this here pile-o-junk TV I'm gonna keep for the next 25 years or so, because one day electronics will be so small that you need a microscope to see the parts, and I'll
need this stupid old color burst crystal to run a thing called a software controlled receiver that is the size of a saltine cracker...!
(don't think I have any old TV chassis hanging around tho'... time to keep a keen eye out in the streets of the city of smAlbany... and double check the plastic parts drawer with xtals in it in case I clipped one 35 years ago and stuck it there...

Phew... wacky ain't it??
_-_-Wacky Bear Two Gets Computer Radio