As I write tonight, the band is Loooooong, and AM broadcash stations are flooding in... the weather in Kentucky is good... Boston leads 8-1, tomorrow's game should be awesome... I'm a Yankee fan, but in a toss up between Baston and Kleveland, it's gotta come down for Boston... sorry 8-landers!
Well anyhow, the local NE AMers know that I bought a pretty clean Apache at Nearfeast from Harry, KA1DOP it had been on the air with rather ratty audio.
Being the geenus I am, I decided to not just troubleshoot it, but since it was stock, beef up the coupling caps, and a few other minor things with the stock speech amp... needless to say it wasn't about to be that easy. I won't bore you with the excrutiating details of woe in a circuit that is about as simple as they get, and where nothing much should go wrong... but apparently does.
Bottom line is that it did not want to work right and since I have a no-so-clean Apache on hand that is "all there" that I decided that it would be a very good idea to fire up the low voltage supply on it and see how the
stock speech amp's voltages are (should be like the manual says) and what the bloody stock waveforms look like between each stage. The modded one looks like hell, and it looked like hell before I changed much. But onwards...
Obviously the first step is to fire up the LV in the parts mule Apache without the rectifiers and make sure it does the AC voltage thang. Well, that didn't go well... it looks like it's drawing too way too much juice (variac & ammeter dudes)... so after dorking about for a while and testing and retesting stuff, I decided to pull the xfrmr out. No prob.
Pulled it out. Tested it on the bench. All ok.

Ummm... <scratches head>??

Ya know what?
That's wierd.
Maybe tomorrow I will put it back in the rig, and wire the connections
one pair at a time while firing it up and try to see if it will do that juice sucking act again.
If it does... that will point right at the problem... maybe a big ass carbon track in the ceramic rectifier socket? <--- prime suspect now.
IF all else fails, I'm gonna cleep leed the filaments and the B+ from the good rig over to the bloody parts mule rig and TEST THE DARN STOCK SPEECH AMP!!
This whole business ought to have taken an hour or two, not several elapsed days over several weekends. It's a stupid speech amp!! Geez...

I swear it's haunted, possessed or maybe cursed.
The ghost of the great indian chief??
PS. oh, working or not that low B+ tranny is getting paint tomorrow before it goes back in!