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AMfone's Online AM Handbook => Antennas => Topic started by: WA1GFZ on November 12, 2005, 09:05:04 PM

Title: When that antenna just will not come down
Post by: WA1GFZ on November 12, 2005, 09:05:04 PM
Tom Vu gave me a cool suggestion worth saving for cutting copper wire up in the air.
I bought 10 feet of small steel cable and spliced rope on each end. Then shot it over the wire and used it as a rope saw. It took 10 minutes to cut through double #10 solid conductors. It turns out there is a third dead tree in the neighbors yard which will take out a new antenna. I gues I'll have to js 160 M until the tree comes down.
3 large trees along the stream bed died and the second one broke the ant.

Title: Re: When that antenna just will not come down
Post by: Steve - WB3HUZ on November 12, 2005, 09:54:34 PM
What a great idea! TNX.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands