Title: Minutes - See the motions that failed Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on July 22, 2005, 08:46:05 PM Some interesting reading of the July 15/16 Minutes of the ARRL Board of Directors meeting. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
Check out (click link below) some of the motions, from motion 24 up to motion 37, that were presented and failed. And here is the final Director vote count on the bandwidth proposal: "On motion of Mr. Frenaye, seconded by Mr. Vallio, it was VOTED to use a roll call vote to answer the question, after which the motion was ADOPTED, 12 in favor to 3 opposed, with the following Directors voting AYE: Mr. Fuller; Mr. Isely; Mr. Bellows; Mr. Roderick; Mr. Mondro; Mr. Fallon; Mr. Walstrom; Mr. Frenaye; Mr. Milnes; Mr. Vallio; Mr. Morton; and Mr. Butler; and the following Directors voting NAY: Mr. Bodson; Mr. Norton; and Mr. Day." http://www.arrl.org/announce/board-0507/ |