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THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: W4LTM on July 12, 2005, 04:20:17 PM

Title: Where can I buy these high voltage capacitors?
Post by: W4LTM on July 12, 2005, 04:20:17 PM
Hi gang,

I need to replace a few capacitors in a SB-610 station monitor and I can't find them anywhere.  Please let me know if you know where I can find these.

2 ea.  .1 @ 1200v
1 ea.  .15 @ 1600v



Title: Where can I buy these high voltage capacitors?
Post by: KA8WTK on July 12, 2005, 07:20:29 PM
If I remember correctly, I got some high voltage Panasonic caps from Digikey for my HO-10 scope.  

Think I needed to parallel 3 1600 vt jobs at .056 or .047 each to get the .15 value (actually 0.168 or 0.141). They have a 1250 vt 0.1 as part number P10494-ND. The .056 caps are part number P10516-ND. The .047 caps are P10515-ND. These are metal polypropylene film caps. Be sure to check the part numbers before you order. I am doing this from memory and an old (2004) catalog.

Amyone else have a better source or idea?

"Your milage may vary."

Title: Where can I buy these high voltage capacitors?
Post by: w3jn on July 12, 2005, 07:44:23 PM
*sigh*  Why, oh why, doesn't anyone trust Allied?

Look here:

$2.59 and $3.13 each, respectively.

Title: Where can I buy these high voltage capacitors?
Post by: KA8WTK on July 12, 2005, 08:17:27 PM
Even better JN

Title: Where can I buy these high voltage capacitors?
Post by: W4LTM on July 12, 2005, 08:25:45 PM
Thanks guys!!!

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