The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Announcements => Topic started by: w8gnm on December 06, 2024, 09:53:25 PM

Title: Annual 160M AM Night on GCARA 1936 Net
Post by: w8gnm on December 06, 2024, 09:53:25 PM
Annual 160M AM Night on GCARA 1936 Net
The Greater Cincinnati Amateur Radio Association 1936 Net will host its annual AM night on Thursday December 26th, 2024 on 1936 KHz. The activities get underway with pre-net check-ins beginning at 6:30PM EST. The official net begins at 9:00 PM EST (02:00Z) and typically lasts two hours. The net control station is Bill, NM4A, located at Union, KY. The net typically attracts about 65 stations from all over the US during the course of the evening.  All AM check-in's are welcome.  This is a great opportunity to hear some classic AM rigs, heavy metal, military, broadcast AM transmitters, and state of the art software defined radio AM.
Posted by net managers K8CJY and W8GNM
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