Title: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: WBear2GCR on July 02, 2024, 09:28:28 PM Sussex is July 14th
NW NJ. I expect to be there! Who's going?? Have *available*, to bring, IF interested now, including but not limited to: - Kenwood TS-850 - VG cond, clean. - R-392, Collins - As-Is, not bad, actually may only need a tube. - Collins 180S Tuner - clean! - National HRO-60 - Good cond, have 4 or 5 plug in drawers. - Collins 75A-2 - As-is, untested, will clean up nicely. U fix it. - R-388 Collins - Tested, working, needs some PTO attention, and spit and polish. - Henry 2K-4 - untested, As-is. This WILL work, needs attention to some rust and corrosion - I will disclose all! - GPR-90 TMC - the classic and classy TMC receiver! With cabinet. Tested, working. - Collins CY979A/URR case w/shock mount for R-390/390a, VG. - National NC-101x (2), As-is, probably serviceable! (inexpensive!) - Phillips scopes, stack! As-is removed from service, many may have bad HV multipliers. Very fine scopes, I used them for years. (u fix 'em, cheaper than dirt!) - Tektronix scopes - 453, probably a 454 or another 453. As-is, retired from service, condition unknown now. (also cheap as dirt) My email here is good! Ask questions, contact me! PM works... CU There!! _-_-randalfo el oso Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on July 02, 2024, 09:51:17 PM I will be there. As you walk inside the building from the doors facing the flea market, I'll be in my same two spaces in the far right corner of the building. I'll have originals and replication manuals going for a $1 each. Discontinued Nifty Quick Reference guides/mini-manuals will be going at a good price but limited quantities. Other surprises will be on the tables! Also, "New In-The-Box" "powerful" stuff that would require pickup in Sayreville and a big handful of "Benjamins"!
I'm taking the SUV rather then the mini-van so vehicle packing will be more of a challenge. I remember buying a 30 foot tower(in 3 sections) from WA1SSJ there years ago and was able to get it in the mini-van ;D The good old days when much younger and crazier ;D Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: KD1SH on July 03, 2024, 04:54:32 PM I will be there, wearing bright orange as usual. Sure hope the weather's better than last year!
Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: Jim/WA2MER on July 04, 2024, 07:06:34 AM I'll be there too, just another nameless face in the crowd, wandering among the socially and hygienically challenged.
Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: W3SLK on July 04, 2024, 12:24:13 PM WA2MER said:
Quote I'll be there too, just another nameless face in the crowd, wandering among the socially and hygienically challenged. Hahahaha! I will make an attempt as well. The last couple of times I guess it was a deluge there! It will be nice to get to a place where it isn't a 'micro-fest'!Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: w8khk on July 04, 2024, 01:55:45 PM WA2MER said: Quote I'll be there too, just another nameless face in the crowd, wandering among the socially and hygienically challenged. W3SLK said: Hahahaha! I will make an attempt as well. The last couple of times I guess it was a deluge there! It will be nice to get to a place where it isn't a 'micro-fest'! Maybe the DELUGE is just nature's way of addressing the "Hygienically Challenged"??? I found that limiting my adventures to the "OUTSIDE" boneyard reduced exposure to intense flatulence.... Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: Joe Connor on July 10, 2024, 02:17:31 PM Add me to the nameless-face-in-the-crowd brigade. Sussex is still one of the best hamfests around.
I'd love to find the general-coverage version of the NC-101X, but those are hard to come by. Title: Re: SUSSEX NJ HAMFEST? July 14 Post by: KD1SH on July 12, 2024, 01:22:46 PM Only a few days out, and the weather is looking good, or at least dry. It's going to be a hot one; wide-brimmed hat, sunscreen, and plenty to drink will be the order of the day. A folding canopy is nice, too. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands