Title: Two Collins 20V-2 Transmitters Post by: W7KNX on May 08, 2024, 04:57:01 PM I have for sale two Collins 20V-2 transmitters. The first is converted to 160M and is xtaled on 1945 KC. The second is converted to 75M and is xtaled on 3885 KC. Each have a full compliment of Eimac 4-400s. Tube rectifiers have been replaced with solid state. There is also a spare LV shelf that can go with either transmitter. Pictures of the transmitters are on my QRZ page. I can provide more if you like. $800 each, pick up in Junction City, Or. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
The 75M transmitter is spoken for. The 160M transmitter is still available. Tnx and 73, Jeff W7KNX 541-951-0488 |