Title: VK6VZ looking for AM contacts with North America Post by: VK6VZ on April 25, 2024, 01:32:51 AM G'day
I am looking for AM contacts most days on 29.010MHz from 2300Z until after 0000Z. I've been making CW contacts as far east as CT at this time (as late as 0100Z), but the AM window has been dead here during this period. Looking forward to making it across the Pacific with my 120W into a homebrew 2-ele quad at 45 feet. Vy 73 Steve, VK6VZ Title: Re: VK6VZ looking for AM contacts with North America Post by: K3GTS on April 26, 2024, 04:41:15 PM Ok Steve We will give a listen. Looks like conditions are not that good right now but give it a shot 73s Gil K3GTS AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands