The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: n1exi on April 06, 2024, 05:23:09 PM

Title: heathkit mt-1
Post by: n1exi on April 06, 2024, 05:23:09 PM

Restore or E-Bay it. Had one as a jonny novice with xtal mod but left it unattended one evening and upon my return found a smoldering carcass of my beloved twins as I had the matching rcvr. Years later I had the chance to purchase the two from an ex-cop from the trunk of his auto. I'm sure the transaction may have appeared somewhat curious to some but as a hamfester perfectly normal. After more years now I'm assessing the situation. Everything is frozen but I as a kid did not assemble one but the point to point wiring looks professional in this xmtr. Have HP power supply but no cables with proper ends. I read the threads from here but may some one out there has been there and can advise me. Would like to back on AM as the SSB side is getting boring. I have a TS991 and I listen on 40 and with sigs on the upper end loud and clear and this rig yelling fix me or...

Greg, N1EXI

Title: Re: heathkit mt-1
Post by: Tom W2ILA on April 10, 2024, 12:52:09 PM
Your call on AM was a familiar one during the previous century, good to hear you may be more active on AM.  I am not familiar with the MT-1 so I'm just responding for moral support.  But, I came across this:
Being a cousin of the DX-60 would make it a worthy rig. 
Hope to hear you on the air.

Title: Re: heathkit mt-1
Post by: n1exi on April 14, 2024, 07:27:28 PM
Thanks Tom, have my work cut out for me. Have about two hours into the project mostly trying to unfreeze gearing for loading and other rotary switches but otherwise I have pretty nothing do.

Greg, N1EXI

Title: Re: heathkit mt-1
Post by: AJ1G on April 26, 2024, 04:13:20 PM
Hi Greg!  Welcome back!  Nice to work you on 40
meters yesterday, good luck with the MT-1.  I came into a complete MT-1 /MR-1 system many years ago, including the original small AC and DC power supplies, little square box mobile speaker, and square backplane mobile mounting plate for stacking the two units on the transmission hump of your late fifties land yacht.

One thing to watch out for is severe chirp and FMing on AM on 40 meters, where the VFO is running at 7 MHz.  I have had similar issues with the VF-1 VFOs and a DX-40, where the workaround is using the 1750 -2000 kHz 160/80/40 meter mode on 40.  A similar approach works on the MT-1 VFO but you have to manually disconnect the internal mechanical linkage that shifts the VFO fundamental between 1750-2000 kHz used on 80 meters and 7000-7500’kHz used on 40 meters and up, which pretty much makes it a semi permanent 40 meter
setup unless you undo it.

After you get them going, start looking for a 56 Ford Crown Vic and have it repainted and reupholstered in two-tone Heath Indian gray and green to install them in.  Would be a real showboat at both cruise nights and hamfests!
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands