Title: Passing a copper grounding strap through the floor Post by: k4kyv on June 09, 2005, 01:17:53 PM A trick I use to get a wide copper strap through the floor, while avoiding cutting a slot, is as follows: AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
I form a row of holes, whose length is the same as the width of the strap, consisting of 8 to 12 holes drilled through the floor, each just barely large enough to pass a #12 or #10 wire. I cut the strap at the point where I want to pass it through the floor. I then solder across the end of the strap a corresponding number of pieces of wire, long enough to feed through the holes and extend down a couple of inches below. Once the wires are inserted into the holes, from the underneath side of the floor, I solder the rest of the copper strap to the lengths of wires poking through the floor, and continue on my way. This does less damage to the floor than sawing a slot, and it is MUCH easier to do, using a simple electric drill. If the strap feedthrough is ever removed, it is a simple matter to plug the small holes with wood filler. |