Title: EICO Uniprobe Data Sheet and Assembly Post by: kc2we on September 21, 2023, 11:14:13 AM EICO Uniprobe(tm) data sheet and assembly scan
Title: Re: EICO Uniprobe Data Sheet and Assembly Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on September 21, 2023, 02:08:27 PM EICO Uniprobe(tm) data sheet and assembly scan It looks like you're scanning this stuff at too high of a resolution or in a non-text mode. With your scan, there is bleed-through to the back side of the page. Also, there is lots of random shading on each page, which will also appear if you print the page or pages.This Eico Uniprobe complete manual is already posted on BAMA. Compare the difference: http://bama.edebris.com/download/eico/eicoprobes/EICOuniPROBE.pdf |