Title: indicator lights for Ranger, Ranger II Post by: ns7h on September 03, 2023, 10:26:13 AM This is not necessarily a technical post. It is a question of why Johnson has a power on indicator light (I3 on Ranger Schematic) and the front panel has a jewel light (green) BUT NO LIGHT or empty fixture was present or any indication that it was ever there. No witness marks or holes in panel for the light fixture. I have several ham friends with Rangers, Ranger IIs with similar transmitters. Mine was built as a kit and is an early model. Did the factory built units have an I3 indicator "on" light? It seems strange to have it in the circuit diagram and no provision for the actual light.
Any historians can answer this question? Thanks - NS7H Title: Re: indicator lights for Ranger, Ranger II Post by: W1GFH on September 08, 2023, 08:48:23 AM I'm no historian, but here's my guess. The Valiant, Navigator, Ranger, etc. all used the same VFO dial escutcheon. The Valiant featured a functional green power and red transmit lamp. The other models only featured a power lamp, and left the other lamp housing empty. As for why it was on one schematic but not present in the unit, I haven't a clue.
Title: Re: indicator lights for Ranger, Ranger II Post by: ns7h on September 08, 2023, 01:46:57 PM Thanks for the reply. One Ranger II owner I know has a green lamp. It may have been a mod added by someone (like me) who wanted that functionality. I have a green LED I am going to install in the lamp, but the jewel is red, so red and green make?? AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
Thanks again. I have asked Terry at D-LAB if the factory radios vs kit may have the indicator. No response yet, but the general consensus is "I DUNNO". |