The AM Forum

AM CLASSIFIEDS => Wanted => Topic started by: W5TYZ on February 27, 2023, 09:07:27 AM

Title: HT-5 Speech Amplifier
Post by: W5TYZ on February 27, 2023, 09:07:27 AM
I have an HT-4 transmitter and I'm looking for the HT-5 Speech Amp.  I have the BC-614E that will work, but the front panels were different.  The BC-614 was designed and built for the BC-610, as all the controls and connections are on the front.  The HT-5 has the connections on the back.  Any help finding one will be appreciated.  If someone would be interested in a trade, I don't think this BC-614 has ever been used.  It came from the Chuck Dachis collection.
Benny - W5TYZ
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands