The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Military Amateur Radio Section => Topic started by: W1ZFB on February 10, 2023, 08:15:11 AM

Title: ART-13 & Antenna tunner
Post by: W1ZFB on February 10, 2023, 08:15:11 AM
I just got my ART-13 operation and have made contacts on 40 meter with good reports. I now want to try 80 meters. I could not tune up anywhere on 80 or 75 meter band. I know from reading various articles you need to add capacitance.  I tried my antenna tuner and it seems to load up okay now on 3.865 about 95 watts out. My question is there any harm in using the antenna tuner? Should I just use a single or variable capacitor like I've read in some articles.
Incidentally I have tuned up on 20 and 24 meters with no problems.

Title: Re: ART-13 & Antenna tunner
Post by: SM6OID on February 11, 2023, 03:32:35 AM

This is what I do, I have added 1000 pF to the capacitor connection post.
Other values will work, but I took what I had close to me, and it appears to work.
Have also used a variable cap, can not remember the capacitance I used.

Will a tuner work, yes, but it may complicate the tune up process

Using a dynamotor, not feeding with full voltage, I see approx 115-120 W carrier at our phone part of the 80 m band.
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