The AM Forum

Band Watch => 20 Meters => Topic started by: VK5LG on April 06, 2021, 11:18:26 PM

Title: DX AM from Australia
Post by: VK5LG on April 06, 2021, 11:18:26 PM
greetings from Oz. I would like to have a go on 20 metres AM from VK to the USA. We are told over here that 14.286 is the frequency to try. Can someone stateside please advise most listened to frequency on 20 metres AM and best time of day both from a propagation perspective, and also to find someone awake :)

73s Greg  VK5LG

Title: Re: DX AM from Australia
Post by: KL7OF on April 07, 2021, 09:09:30 AM
Hello Greg...14.330 to 14.345 is where the AM action seems to be these days.  I am in WA state and have heard some OZ SSB  20M in the mornings Pacific time..I have yet to make an AM OZ contact this year..  I would like to sked with you if possible..I'm not sure about the best times for West Coast USA to OZ..Maybe someone else can help us...  73 Steve KL7OF

Title: Re: DX AM from Australia
Post by: KL7OF on April 13, 2021, 07:41:50 PM
Still looking for the best time to attempt AM  Pacific NW USA to Australia...  The grey line map shows about equal sunshine on both sides at around 2400Z....20 M has not been the best of late...Any suggestions for a path OZ->PAC NW ?? 

Title: Re: DX AM from Australia
Post by: KL7OF on May 06, 2021, 12:27:23 AM
I've been listening and tonight I head the VK stations working each other starting around 8 PM pacific time...sigs were building, and  I listened till about 9 PM ..I dont think  condx were gud enuf for an AM contact but it is getting better. 
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