Title: Painted Case Restoration Tips Post by: WA2SQQ on October 31, 2018, 10:16:14 AM I’ve been restoring two Hallicrafters receivers. Both were garage stored – the cases were really dirty, though fortunately not rusted. After washing the case with soap and water I decided to try something new to restore the paint’s finish. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
The Meguiars clay bar kit I used on my car literally took the dirt out of the paint, leaning it silky smooth. You have to work on a small area, but the results are worth the effort. I followed this with 3 coats of Butchers Bowling Alley Wax. I recalled my Mom using this on the natural wood floors. The smell of it alone brought back many memories! This wax requires a bit of rubbing, but the end result is a case that looks brand new. I’ll post a few photos when I reassemble the radio. https://www.meguiars.com/automotive/products/meguiars-smooth-surface-clay-kit-g1016-kit http://www.bwccompany.com/bowlingalley.html |