Title: Kenwood TS950SDX no output Post by: WA7DUY on June 24, 2018, 11:36:34 PM I just acquired a Kenwood TS950SDX but it has zero output on all bands. It came from an estate. The person that sold it to me said the finals had been replaced with new ones as it had had this problem before and been back to a repairman for repairs twice. The last time said it was repaired but was not. Since there is no output and the finals are good (I assume) can anyone suggest other possible causes?
Thank you. Title: Re: Kenwood TS950SDX no output Post by: w4bfs on June 25, 2018, 08:03:49 AM sounds like a parasite .... ss finals are graded by mfgr, usually with color dots or suffixes .... use of the wrong graded part with usually have instabilities, etc ....also these multiple replacements may have gotten the driver stage as well .... I would start at the earliest stage and find output of proper freq. and level and go from there .... warning !! this radio may use surface mount parts ...good luck AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands