Title: Has anyone here tried/use the Microchip MIC4452ZT gate driver? Post by: steve_qix on October 18, 2017, 07:00:54 PM Has anyone here tried/use the Microchip MIC4452ZT gate driver?
It looks pretty good at least on paper. Also costs less the the IXDD614. The documentation for both devices stops at 2 mHz, but I know the IXDD614 works on 75 meters just fine. Microchip has a few drivers that have similar characteristics to the MIC4452ZT. Just curious.. Title: Re: Has anyone here tried/use the Microchip MIC4452ZT gate driver? Post by: vk3alk on October 19, 2017, 04:30:55 AM Yes on 160M/80M OK but no good on 40M.... :'(
Using 11N90 maybe just 160M...... The IXDD614 are a winner by far... :) Wayne Title: Re: Has anyone here tried/use the Microchip MIC4452ZT gate driver? Post by: VE3ELQ on October 19, 2017, 08:50:52 AM Steve, Never tried those but the specs really dont look that good compared to others available. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
Tried many drivers and found the best BY FAR are the NCP81074ADR2G, 5V toggle, very fast 4ns rise and fall, 10A peak, matched delays so they dont mess up your driver pulse ratio. Used them at 14.35 mhz driving 650pf GaN FETs no problem. At $1.25 use 1 per FET up close. At 9V they drive SIC FETS with ease. Have 2 TX on the air with them and a 3rd on 40M on the bench using four 23A 900V SIC FETS with these drivers. Give em a try. Nice to finally meet you in person at NEARfest. 73s Nigel https://www.digikey.com/product-detail/en/on-semiconductor/NCP81074ADR2G/NCP81074ADR2GOSCT-ND/6680895 |