Title: CQ VHF Contest - 6 Meters a bust Post by: WD8BIL on July 16, 2017, 08:24:52 PM 6 meters was a bust for the CQ VHF contest this weekend. Nothing spectacular and activity was low.
I did make 2 AM contacts; Texas and Floriduh! Also worked our very own Jay W1VD!! Title: Re: CQ VHF Contest - 6 Meters a bust Post by: KB2WIG on July 16, 2017, 09:40:33 PM B, I spent some time yesterday begging on .400. No one around. klc Title: Re: CQ VHF Contest - 6 Meters a bust Post by: WA1LBK on July 26, 2022, 08:16:01 PM I’ll agree, activity was low compared to the ARRL VHF contests. 6 meters DID open up to some extent, but virtually ALL activity was on FT8; 2 meters, nothing to write home about in terms of conditions, but again VERY little SSB activity. This was the first contest that I operated NOTHING BUT FT8!
;) Tom WA1LBK Title: Re: CQ VHF Contest - 6 Meters a bust Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on July 26, 2022, 09:25:33 PM Nothing like responding to a 5 year old thread ;D AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
In all the years I've been on VHF, CQ VHF contests generally sucked for activity. ARRL VHF contests generally bring out more participants. Today, FT8 and other digital modes are the name of the game on 6 and 2 meters other then for some occasional FM repeater activity. |