The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: N2LK on February 19, 2017, 11:52:20 AM

Title: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: N2LK on February 19, 2017, 11:52:20 AM
Been interesting weekend so far, can load all bands 100+ watts pretty easy in mic yet so not doing AM yet.

Have parts to build a AD5X TR Box to tie to my TS-520 eventually.

I "think" I neutralized the tubes OK...first time doing that....

Calibration on 160/80 is pretty solid..

40 meter and up Calibration is still a trainwreck..thought I had those trimmers OK for Hi and Lo, but was just on 20M checking output and dial was 14.01 but my receiver was near 14.20!!  I think I must have been calibrating to a harmonic maybe? when I did it last nite...

Will keep at it but any more tips on those tricky 40m trim caps is very welcome..

Thank you to those who replied for your patience...hope to work you someday soon  on this BA.

Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: KE5YTV on February 19, 2017, 03:14:19 PM
Good luck with your Valiant  I am a Johnson fan. I have a Ranger, Ranger II, Courier, Thunderbolt and a Viking 1. I've always wanted a Valiant. However, following the Valiant failures and constant repairs here on the forum over the past few years have made me rethink that. It seems like the Valiant is always a breakdown waiting to happen. I hope yours is trouble free. Please keep us posted.


Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on February 19, 2017, 06:18:48 PM
Good luck with your Valiant  I am a Johnson fan. I have a Ranger, Ranger II, Courier, Thunderbolt and a Viking 1. I've always wanted a Valiant. However, following the Valiant failures and constant repairs here on the forum over the past few years have made me rethink that. It seems like the Valiant is always a breakdown waiting to happen. I hope yours is trouble free. Please keep us posted.


My Ranger, Courier, Thunderbolt, Thunderbolt 6N2, and Viking II have had minimal repairs over the years and work well. My Valiant has been on the repair workbench 4 times over the years, and with the last time, 10 years later, it's still sitting at the end of the workbench. Maybe one of these days, I'll get around to diddling with it again when I have nothing better to do.  ;D

Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: N3GTE on February 19, 2017, 07:12:54 PM
I'm with yous guys.
I got rid of mine yrs ago. The older Johnson gear like the VI and VII's seems to be much better than the later stuff. I found that a number of the tank components under rated and failed. Four 500v postage stamp mica in series/parallel to make a 1000v cap that should be rated @ 2.5kv REALLY????


Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: N1BCG on February 19, 2017, 07:41:13 PM
Hey now...

My Valiant has been free of sparks, smoke, burning smells, and flames since January 27, 2015.

Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: K1JJ on February 19, 2017, 07:53:13 PM
I've had a few Rangers over the years. Was my second rig as a Novice in 1964. The VFO was tempting. One of my ham friends axed me where I got so many xtals.

It took a lot of effort to keep those rigs running right. I always wondered how a newbie ham was able to keep up with the repairs and thought, well, maybe I wasn't  that sharp a tech after all.

I think part of the problems were because I replaced the tube rectifiers with solid state diodes. The extra voltage caused terminal strip arcs, etc.

But I see others had problems too. I feel better now.. :-)

The Valiant and Ranger are cool looking rigs. Lots of "Ham-romance."

Yes, the Viking I, II was built MUCH better than the Valiant and Ranger.


Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: N2LK on February 19, 2017, 08:37:58 PM
Being a BA newbie I cant speak of the other models, this one was given to me so to good to pass up.

Fired it up on 80M cw tonite using my coax switch and TS-520 as receiver...first call nice chat with fellow in
Albany, NJ..said sounded good, drifted a tab but not bad.

To think of the now SK folks who owned this radio and somehow it falls into my hands, to bring it back to some usefull life,
this was very cool....

Thank you all who replied with tips and guidance...I hope this thread helps the next fellow who gets a hold of one and needs some tips.


Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: KE5YTV on February 19, 2017, 10:05:31 PM
I can't complain about my Rangers or my other Johnson equipment. After new caps and a few resistors they have pretty much trouble free. The Valiant is a cool looking rig but I just don't need that headache.  :-\

Title: Re: Viking Valiant - just about there
Post by: N5DMC on February 19, 2017, 10:44:08 PM

AMfone has done me right, and so now my Valiant II is under control. It is a kit built chassis that has the rear panel harness too close to the protruding screws. So after blowing a couple of fuses in the plug, I'm learning the nuances. My drive pot failed, and with light probing, I had found more waiting issues. But with bench time & help here, she's running better than ever. 114 watts carrier, 600 watts PEP modulated. Nice 10Kc wide signal with the side bands down 35db even. If the exterior was not beautiful to look at, that American Rambler look, I wouldn't think twice. Plus having it being a one owner rig from a prominent member of the fraternity and completely restored (on the outside) I believe it's well worth my time to put in on the inside.

I think the drive pot mod is in it's future. But that's all. I can recommend a microphone that is a hit John. The Electrovoice model 638. She's a good looker for a microphone too. About $40 on the ham market around these parts. I receive comments on how full range it has, this with the stock / factory ceramic coupling caps still installed.

Good luck with your Valiant Sir! Will be expect more good results too.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands