Title: 15m is open 12-1-2016 @ 1556 UTC Post by: W1AEX on December 01, 2016, 10:57:17 AM Calling CQ AM on 21.430
Rob W1AEX Title: Re: 15m is open 12-1-2016 @ 1556 UTC Post by: W6ZKH on December 01, 2016, 11:18:48 AM Band must not be open between us, as gave you a call but only thing across the whole band is some SSB at 21.4
de W6ZKH Title: Re: 15m is open 12-1-2016 @ 1556 UTC Post by: W1AEX on December 01, 2016, 12:14:48 PM Thanks for giving it a shot! After calling for about 15 minutes I turned the beam towards Europe and did hook up with Glenn - G8NOF across the pond and we were able to go back and forth for about 20 minutes. His signal strength started out at S-9 +10 dB but after about 10 minutes it slipped down to around S-7. I made a video capture and posted it up at my YouTube account:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WOV9BOwxv0 (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-WOV9BOwxv0) Looks like 15 meters might decide to give us some propagation during the winter season! 73, Rob W1AEX Title: Re: 15m is open 12-1-2016 @ 1556 UTC Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on December 01, 2016, 03:43:23 PM I heard Glenn several weeks ago on 15. Gave him a call after he finished up a QSO but he drifted into the noise. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands