Title: Posting replies to private messages Post by: k4kyv on March 07, 2005, 11:06:49 PM Usually when I reply to a private message, in appears in the Sentbox file. I just discovered a couple of my messages that ended up in the Outbox folder instead. One of them I sent tonight, but the other I had sent several months ago and never received a reply, so I now assume it never made it to its destination. If a message lands in the Outbox folder, how do you make sure it gets sent out?
In my e-mail prog, messages in outbox folder haven't been sent, so I assume this works the same way. Title: Posting replies to private messages Post by: Steve - WB3HUZ on March 07, 2005, 11:35:36 PM I can't claim extensive knowledge with this system but I haven't found any way to ensure a PM was sent other than to trust the fact that is shows up in the Sent Box with a date and time.
If you really want to make sure a message is sent, go to the member list, and click on the email icon in the row for the user you wish to contact. Instead of a PM, it will send an email to the person (to the address they supplied in their profile). Even if their email is not visible in their profile, you can still send them a message. At the bottom of the form that comes up when you click on the email icon is a check box with the option to send the message to your email also. Although not completely foolproof, it's a safe bet if you receive the message on your email, the intended recipient will also get the message (assuming the email address in their profile is up to date). You can be very sure the message was at least sent. I know this isn't nearly as assured as using email and receipts. If anyone knows a better way, I'd like to know too. Title: Posting replies to private messages Post by: W8ER on March 08, 2005, 01:19:39 AM Don,
The system is pretty simple once you get onto it. When you write or reply to a private message, it goes to the outbox. It will remain there until the addressee picks it up. When the addressee picks it up, a copy is put into your sentbox and it is removed from the outbox. You can opt to edit it or delete it as long as it is in the outbox, prior to it being picked up by the addressee. A private message in the php bbs system differs from normal email in that it is never sent. If a private message remains in the outbox it means that the addressee has not picked it up, no matter how long it resides there. This would naturally explain why you never received a reply from one that you sent. If you noticed that after writing a private message, it appears in the sentbox, it means that the addressee has quickly picked it up. A private message that you create ALWAYS goes to the outbox first. There are two ways in which you can tell if you have a message waiting in someones outbox. 1) The system will allow you to check a box in your profile that will tell the system to send you a regular email, telling you that you have a private message waiting. 2) You will notice at the top of the screen, when you log on, a small line that says that you have a private message waiting. The first way seems to get your attention better as the second one can easily be missed if you are not aware of it's meaning. I hope that helps. --Larry W8ER Title: Posting replies to private messages Post by: Steve - WB3HUZ on March 12, 2005, 11:52:52 AM Great answer. I didn't realize the PM stayed in your Outbox until read by the other party. Seems like a very simple but effective receipt arrangement. TNX. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands