Title: Great mix of old and new tech. Post by: N4RMT on May 25, 2016, 02:45:21 PM On the 40 meter noontime forum today, Gerry KC8ZUL was piping his receiver's audio out to the interwebz using a site called tinychat. Gerry is either located perfectly geographically speaking, or has an outstanding receive antenna. I was able to just turn my receiver down and use the web to hear all the guys I have never been able to hear very well, some of them at all. Just mute the PC when you transmit like any other set of separates. Most of the guys are in 8/9 land, and are in the dead zone between NVIS and DX for me, so, this was really the summertime answer here. Pretty neat. Now I know there are a gazillion web based receivers, but this is the first time I've seen any real utility out of one. Gerry, if you read these boards, thanks again! AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands