Title: 10-29-2015 nice opening this morning Post by: W1AEX on October 29, 2015, 12:01:56 PM At around 11:00 AM (EST) this morning I heard Dan - W7NGA calling CQ on 21.430 MHz. His signal was between S-5 and S-7 initially, but within a few minutes he was filling the room with an S-9 + 10dB signal that was very easy copy up here in Connecticut. The new Flex 6500 sounded very smooth and natural and it was a pleasure to have a nice 45 minute chat with Dan. The attached mp3 was made with the RX bandwidth set to 10 KHz which matched the TX bandwidth we were both using this morning. I saw several other modulated carriers up and down the band so there were definitely other stations active today between 21.400 and 21.450 MHz.
Rob W1AEX Title: Re: 10-29-2015 nice opening this morning Post by: W7NGA on October 29, 2015, 01:27:47 PM The band was definitely open coast-to-coast this morning. Tim, WA1HLR was up on 21.440 Mhz and I heard Michel, VE2XK a bit later. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
Fun stuff ... 2500 miles and armchair copy! Thanks for taking the time Rob, to help generate interest. W7NGA dan San Juan Island, Wa. |