The AM Forum

Band Watch => 10 Meters => Topic started by: W6ZKH on October 25, 2015, 05:43:22 AM

Title: 10 meters active yesterday
Post by: W6ZKH on October 25, 2015, 05:43:22 AM
Happen to check the prop map yesterday around 1900 gmt and there were lines everywhere.  Fired up the Valiant/NC-300 and A-99 CB Vertical, and yes there must have been a contest going on, as the SSB boys were wall to wall.  Moved up to 29,000 but nothing heard.  Gave a few CQ's and started having contacts. Stations worked were in Ala, Oh, Mich and NY.  Sigs were fairly strong but with much QSB.  So looks like things are looking up for 10 meters for the Fall/Winter months....we hope... :D

John W6ZKH

Title: Re: 10 meters active yesterday
Post by: KB2WIG on October 27, 2015, 12:51:38 PM

Its 'A bublin now.
 There is actually  activity  around 29.0005Mc. Rick, ve6cq, is loud here in C NY.

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