Title: FS: Transformers Post by: W1RKW on May 20, 2015, 05:54:41 PM Have the following plate/HV iron for sale. Open to offers too.
1000VCT @ 160mA. $40.00 BC-610 plate transformer: $90.00 SOLD 1250V @ unknown current. No center tap. It's heavy so should be good for at least 350mA or so. $35 Pending 1150VCT @ 500mA w/ 6.3VAC @ 6A $40 - SOLD These transformers are heavy, especially the BC610 unit. Prefer pickup if possible but will ship. Buyer pays shipping charges and any extra costs associated with shipping from 06415. PM me here on AM Fone. Title: Re: FS: Transformers Post by: W1RKW on June 22, 2015, 04:49:15 PM bump
Title: Re: FS: Transformers Post by: W1RKW on September 08, 2015, 12:21:32 PM bump |