The AM Forum

AM CLASSIFIEDS => For Sale / Trade => Topic started by: W7TFO on May 07, 2015, 11:14:09 PM

Title: Useful Transformers For Sale
Post by: W7TFO on May 07, 2015, 11:14:09 PM
Viking 2 modulation, used, OK.  SOLD! :D
ART-13 modulation, used, OK.   SOLD! :D
BC-375/191 audio driver, used, OK  SOLD! :D
UTC S-14 single plate 10W output, 500-15-8-2 secondary, used OK. SOLD!
UTC S-29 choke, 6Hy @ 175 mA, 1kV test, used OK. SOLD!
Triad F25X, 12.6Vct @ 1.5A.  New, $10
Triad F40X, 26.8Vct @ 1A. New, $10
Triplett type 421 tube tester meter, used OK.  $20

All items plus shipping via mail.  PayPal or checks OK.

E-mail for more pix, and thanks!

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands