Title: R-390A Receive Issues Post by: k7iou on March 26, 2015, 04:04:01 PM Slow progress, I got the R-390A receiving on 11M with audio but signals received are low.
Carrier Meter adjust full clockwise, top of chassis. Gain adjust full counter clockwise, top of chassis. My Icom receive freq. 27.025 as fellow running excessive power as you could hear the transmitter grown and the ring when he PTT. Indicated Frequency R-390A was 28.985 I then tried 40M Icom 7.293 and hit transmit while hunting for it and with BFO on I heard it ring at 8.805. With BFO off I would only heard a slight pass through. Ideas? Title: Re: R-390A Receive Issues Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on March 26, 2015, 05:38:55 PM Check the tubes, check for loose or broken connections, check some voltages, all the obvious things first. The art of trouble shooting.
Title: Re: R-390A Receive Issues Post by: n2bc on March 26, 2015, 06:23:22 PM Make sure the HF Osc deck is in sync with the RF deck. Procedure is in the manual.
Title: Re: R-390A Receive Issues Post by: k7iou on March 27, 2015, 10:15:36 AM Make sure the HF Osc deck is in sync with the RF deck. Procedure is in the manual. Will do thanks. Have to put it on back burner for now.I did check the CAL with each Megacycle less than half are on. Some can't hear the tone at all. 73 de k7iou |