The AM Forum

Band Watch => 15 Meters => Topic started by: Pete, WA2CWA on February 22, 2015, 02:23:08 PM

Title: 15 Meters Hot Today 2-21-15
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on February 22, 2015, 02:23:08 PM
Just screen captured this a few minutes ago:

Title: Re: 15 Meters Hot Today 2-21-15
Post by: n1exi on April 08, 2015, 10:16:13 PM
hello pete - used my 40 meter dipole on 15 sunday - and worked a sq2  - had to go to where he was - some kind of polish contest i guess - twenty feet up works better on 15 than 40!
greg n1exi

Title: Re: 15 Meters Hot Today 2-21-15
Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on April 09, 2015, 02:35:07 AM
hello pete - used my 40 meter dipole on 15 sunday - and worked a sq2  - had to go to where he was - some kind of polish contest i guess - twenty feet up works better on 15 than 40!
greg n1exi

It was either the traditional HF Easter Bunny contest or this one:
This one is fun because you get to feast on pierogi and kielbasa in-between contacts.

Title: Re: 15 Meters Hot Today 2-21-15
Post by: n1exi on April 09, 2015, 12:45:08 PM
Pete - had enough of both and hard boiled eggs which i and my nephew painted with some leftover stuff in the garage - did not get that sick because i had the sense to peel them!
from a family of morons-
greg- n1exi
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