The AM Forum

Band Watch => 10 Meters => Topic started by: pe1mph on February 09, 2015, 11:34:37 AM

Title: N1EU, K1GUP qso and heard more PE1MPH
Post by: pe1mph on February 09, 2015, 11:34:37 AM
Hello AM Lovers,

Yesterday, Sunday, qso:
- 29.020 N1EU, Barry, max. S8 (S3 to S8).

Today, qso:
- 29.010 K1GUP, Jerry, max. S9! (S2 to S9).

Hi, hi I heard him talking with many stations, PA0AM and GW8TBG.
Ofcourse I could not heard them...

On 29.040 I heard 2 qso going on in the USA on the same freq.
And on 29.080 I heard VE2XK with a good signal.
But on more freq. were AM activity....

I made a recording from Jerry with my Indoorant.
And I worked him with my Outdoorant. with only 10 Watts.
Jerry and spoke around 17.10 hour by me.
I hear him now still talking on 29.010 at +/- 17.30 in the afternoon by us. :D
And he mentioned (again) the temp. -14 degrees...

Barry & Jerry thanks for the fine qso in AM,

Henk, pe1mp
Dokkum, The Netherlands
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands