Title: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WA2ROC on December 16, 2014, 12:39:02 PM Was anyone on the air last night? I missed it because of a basketball game and heard nothing at all last week either.
What's happening??? Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KL7OF on December 16, 2014, 01:57:55 PM 10 meters is open.........I have been getting my radio fix there.....Sorry 20 meters.
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KL7OF on August 11, 2015, 12:57:57 PM AUG 11 2015.....0000Z-0300Z the band was open but with deep fades to nothing and 20 over sigs...
Not very good ....Condx got better as the evening progressed but I couldn't hang in there.... Worked Wa1HlR, KB1VWC, N5AEA, KD6OS, and some others.... I will try to get on 20 AM in the evenings around 0300Z this week..... Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WA2ROC on August 12, 2015, 07:01:46 AM I heard all you folks (barely) with lots of QSB not helping. Plus slop buckets on either side of you locally also made things not so good.
Maybe next week.... Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WA2SQQ on August 12, 2015, 10:14:47 AM I worked KL7OF before the bottom of the band fell out. Also heard him reaching out to Tim HLR. Nice to hear some 20M AM activity!
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: W6ZKH on October 06, 2015, 12:42:44 PM Monday, Oct 5th. 8 stations on the gathering this day around 2330-0100 gmt. Best sigs were from WA1HLR, W0LS and N5RK here into central CA with just a G5RV antenna.
N5RK, WA1HLR, K1ETP, W0LS, WA2ROC, WA1HK, KB1VWC & W6ZKH. There could have been more, but either too close to me here or just too weak. John W6ZKH CenCA Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KL7OF on October 06, 2015, 04:29:47 PM Monday, Oct 5th. 8 stations on the gathering this day around 2330-0100 gmt. Best sigs were from WA1HLR, W0LS and N5RK here into central CA with just a G5RV antenna. I heard you John and Wa1HLr,N5rK ...I did not transmit...N5RK, WA1HLR, K1ETP, W0LS, WA2ROC, WA1HK, KB1VWC & W6ZKH. There could have been more, but either too close to me here or just too weak. John W6ZKH CenCA Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: W6ZKH on October 06, 2015, 05:35:54 PM Okay fine Steve..... well, the path was pretty good to Tim, especially when he switched to that Lazy H wire, about 20db better infact. I dunno if you are on 7293 or not, as havent heard you on there. I am on mostly each day, at onetime or another.. Oh, by the way.... when the XYL and I took a tour to Alaska back in 2010, we stopped there in that small town in BC, [Carcass ??]to meet the train down into Skagway, and saw your antennas. Seeing the photos of your place reminded me of that, infact. Hope to work you, either on 20, 40 or 80 M...
73 de John W6ZKH Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: DMOD on October 12, 2015, 10:25:28 PM Approx. 5:30 CT, Dick, (WA2ROC, NC) and I did some eqpt. testing with his Marauder, and then David (W2VW, NJ) came in with a whopping 20 over S9 signal here into the midwest.
About 20 minutes later the band dropped out and I could hear no one. Phil - AC0OB Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KL7OF on October 13, 2015, 10:09:36 AM band was weak here......didn't transmit.....
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: W6ZKH on October 13, 2015, 02:01:55 PM Last nights 20 meter effort was as follows:
Heard- WA2ROC, W2VW, N5AEA/m, K1GUP, KD0EZS and N5RK of those, stations worked was K1GUP and KD0EZS. Heard Steve, WA2ROC, but very weak. Jerry K1GUP [ME], John N5RK [TX] (who didnt hear me) and Matt KD0EZS [KS] were strongest of the night, but did hear W2VW earlier who was also strong, but went QRT early. My station here is just a Viking Valiant @ 110 watts to G5RV up 35 ft and a NC-300 RX. I am suprised the past 2 Mondays I've made it into the eastern seaboard with a decent signal, even with what I am running. The stars must be working for me? John W6ZKH CenCal Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WD5JKO on January 11, 2016, 01:46:55 PM It might still be too early in the year, but tonight I will be on 14330 +/- at about 7 PM EST. Jim Wd5JKO Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KX5JT on January 11, 2016, 07:20:42 PM Can't you hear you here Jim, no surprise only a few hundred miles apart. Time for me to head off to work though.
I did work the following.... WA1HLR Tim WA1KNX Dean W2IQK Carl WA3QGD Bill KB1VWC Steve Heard people talking to you Jim but no copy here. Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: DMOD on January 19, 2016, 05:32:31 PM I put out a number of calls last night but even the ssb net on 14.332 could barely be heard.
Phil - AC0OB Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: n4joy on January 20, 2016, 08:53:21 PM I haven't heard much activity lately--a few light carriers.
Chris, N4JOY Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WD5JKO on January 21, 2016, 07:18:26 AM This past Monday night (around 6:30 CST) I put out several calls on 14327. There was a SSB QSO on 14329 and the YL group on 14332. There were no responses to my calls. Then a little later I heard TimTron on 14330. He and I chatted for about 20 minutes until the band suddenly shifted and I lost him. Tim's signal was S5 to S9 before I lost him. Things should improve as the sunset time moves later into the evening. Jim Wd5JKO Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: n4joy on January 22, 2016, 11:27:59 AM I look forward to more activity. I used my NCX-3 last time I made a 20 meter AM QSO in March or so and audio reports were surprisingly very good for SSB carrier inserted. I secured a 7.165 crystal for my Hallicrafters HT-40, so I hope to try it out on 14.330. I also have a Lettine that I look forward to giving a whirl on 20.
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WA2ROC on January 25, 2016, 09:26:24 AM I'm gonna slide down the ice to the shack tonight and give it another try. Maybe about 7 PM local time, 14.228 +/- a bit
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: n4joy on January 25, 2016, 07:36:58 PM I listened for a bit this evening (around 19:00 - 19:30 EST) and heard no activity. I did send out several CQs on 14.330 but no returns. The band was quite noisy and in terrible condition on my end.
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: Pete, WA2CWA on January 26, 2016, 02:48:35 AM Over the last several weeks, 20M has become more of a daylight band. As night settles over the U. S., 20M seems to get void of signals. If you want to continue on 20M (net or whatever), it's probably better to do it earlier in the day. If night is your thing, you might want to give 40M a try.
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: n4joy on February 15, 2016, 08:47:23 PM It was a nice evening on 14.330. I worked or could hear several stations: KD6OS, WA2ROC, WB5JKO, W9AD, N5AEA, WA1KNX, and W2IQK. I was running my NCX-3 and conditions were decent.
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KX5JT on March 14, 2016, 01:43:49 PM Daylight Savings Time started... will we have some activity on 20 this evening? I'll try to check it out.
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: KX5JT on March 14, 2016, 08:32:24 PM Well there is a nice small crowd this evening starting out on 14.328 then sliding down to 14.327 to escape some splatter from the YL net above.
Worked.... WA1HLR Tim WA2ROC Dick KD0ZS Chuck KB3LR Kelly W9AD Dave AC0OB Phil Hearing others working others but too close to hear.... WD5JKO Jim KD6OS Ralph N5AEA Jim Daylight Savings Time is bringing some of us out on 20 meter Monday night AM Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: n4joy on March 14, 2016, 09:49:45 PM I heard the group this evening--conditions were good. I wanted to give my Lettine a try but I am rock bound on 14.330 (7165 crystal).
Title: Re: Monday Night 20 Meter AM Group Post by: WD5JKO on April 05, 2016, 07:28:54 AM We had good conditions last night. The group has moved down to 14328 the last several weeks to avoid activity on 14332. Stations worked included: N4JOY WA1HLR KD6OS WA1KNX W9AD A special bonus was short skip. I carried on with Ralph KD60S for about an hour with S9 signals both ways. Ralph is in Porum, OK, and I am in Round Rock, Texas. We have worked before on 20m, but that was in June of 2013, and June of 2014. The band seemed dead, except Ralph was nearly full quieting. Jim Wd5JKO |