The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W3RSW on March 17, 2013, 03:33:06 PM

Title: wideband digital? caught centered on 7180 or so again
Post by: W3RSW on March 17, 2013, 03:33:06 PM
Increased the length (time) of waterfall just to show the width, banding and catching the stopping of this signal.  Stops and starts now over last 15 minutes or so this afternoon.  Time and date always in lower righthand corner.

First pix shows elevation of "background" db level while it's ongoing. A lot of power over such a wide bandwidth.

Second pix shows drop of wideband interference level and normal qso's.

Velly intellesting.

Title: Re: wideband digital? caught centered on 7180 or so again
Post by: W3RSW on March 19, 2013, 09:59:20 AM
Some more ideas of when these occur. Check the capture times of these too. Note the extreme bandwidths and time exposed propagation banding of the sky waves  of these.

Sorry the photo ID's are interchanged from description. Uploading sequence error.

Don't know why we can't womp up a ferrite rod winding w/tune cap for 40 meters and roughly DF these since they are so strong.  Won't be super accurate and maybe not much null, but with several of us, might show direction better than the half circle Steve's found.

Then again, what will we be DF'ing. ..a very broad signal or one of the stronger qso's ongoing in the midst since an LC circuit is so sharp.?

Guess we just tune and rotate for minimum noise with what portion of it we can hear.
Sounds like a dance.
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