Title: +/- 7195 khz AM Post by: pe1mph on October 17, 2012, 10:21:37 AM Hello AM Lovers,
This afternoon I were in my studio busy and in the back my receiver were on. Sometimes I changed the freq., to find AM! And... nearly I fall from my blue studio chair, AM on 7195 khz! :) First I listen... I could not believe... 2 stations talking in AM! I thougt: I must say hello to them! And with my old Yeasu FT 901-DM I got a qso in AM! With GW0WLQ and MM0UDI, the last were mobile in Aberdeen! We got a nice qso in AM.... only a little ssb near this freq. I could not believe, but it were happening... oh AM can be so great! Sorry I could not use my homemade transmitter, I have no crystal for 7195 khz. Maybe an AM Forum reader have from me a cheap one.... ;D I keep my eyes & ears around 7195 khz evenso in the early morning! :) If it is around this freq. 'BC-station-free'. Greetings, Henk, pe1mph Title: Re: +/- 7195 khz AM Post by: pe1mph on October 23, 2012, 09:37:36 AM Hello, AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
Some mornings I have been monitoring around 7195 khz. No BC on 7195 khz, but on 7200 khz BC. And on 7180/7185 I heard a BC, sounding Chinese?? Often I heard ssb from the USA in the morning. A pity 7290 is not possible to hear AM (BC!). So let me know which freq. mostly are AM stations on 40 mtrs. Thanks, Henk, pe1mph |