The AM Forum

Band Watch => 160 Meters => Topic started by: K5UJ on June 25, 2012, 06:39:19 AM

Title: 160 m. Saturday night
Post by: K5UJ on June 25, 2012, 06:39:19 AM
Mike KD8CVY got me to setup shop on 1880 Saturday evening.  I normally don't operate there until fall but got everything tuned and turned on (found out my low noise rx loop was broken so I got to fix it yesterday).   We had a nice group QSO from around  02:30 Z to 05:00 Z: me Mike Robert W0VMC and Gil KF9KU.  Mike running a recently purchased GK500A (or B?) & sounded great.  QRN not bad--Gil was on vacation up north of Green Bay operating portable with a Valiant.  No contest activity at all.
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