Title: Tower climbers..... Post by: RolandSWL on June 05, 2012, 11:37:18 AM I hope these guys are paid well..........
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCYZZPwJr_c&feature=related I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling............ Title: Re: Tower climbers..... Post by: KF1Z on June 05, 2012, 03:10:11 PM Oh.. that one again......
Title: Re: Tower climbers..... Post by: KA3VID on June 05, 2012, 06:15:55 PM I hope these guys are paid well.......... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCYZZPwJr_c&feature=related I'm not afraid of heights, I'm afraid of falling............ It ain't the fall that gets ya,it the sudden stop that worries me. Title: Re: Tower climbers..... Post by: AB3L on June 06, 2012, 07:02:55 AM Two parts that really got me...the transition where the climbing pegs are relocated to the other side of the tower from where he is and then finally where he gets to the top he is using two hands to attach the safety line......while his buddy is still climbing and shaking things a bit. Look Ma..no hands. AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands
I have gone back to this video many times....still get the willies |