The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => Technical Forum => Topic started by: KL7OF on March 24, 2012, 07:59:13 PM

Title: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 24, 2012, 07:59:13 PM
I got my softrock ensemble II RX working (mostly) thanks to a lot of help from forum members...I am using HDSDR (WinRad)..I think I have a soft ware problem  now...The RX recieves a small portion of the HF spectrum....I don't know which portion, but it is a chunk of a CW band as I can tune around in this portion and pick out a couple amateur CW stations...Doesn't matter what the screen says the freq is, the RX stays on this same portion of the spectrum...The radio will not switch bands...I read in the instructions that a pc of software called ExtIO_Si570 controls the frequency setting of the ensemble RX over the USB port..The instructions say to "place the ExtIO in the same directory as the WinRad exe program...I downloaded the ExtIO and then did a drag and drop of the file to the WinRad file...But I still have no freq control....Does drag and drop work like that?  How do I get the extIO in the same directory as the WinRad file?.....Any help would be appreciated.....Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KA8WTK on March 24, 2012, 08:14:08 PM

If you have not seen this page, see if it helps.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 24, 2012, 08:23:55 PM
Thanks Bill...I downloaded the extIO file from that page but I am unsure how to get it into the same directory as WinRad..I don't think drag and drop worked...

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: WA1GFZ on March 24, 2012, 10:48:40 PM
right click mouse on file select copy then go to the folder where  you want it.
Open folder right click and select paste. Sounds like the 570 is sitting at some default frequency.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 24, 2012, 10:59:42 PM
Look in the folder..
Is the file there?  then it worked..

However, it isn't quite as simple as JUST putting the file there.

You need to select that in the HSDR or Winrad software.

Go to OPTIONS > SELECT INPUT .. select the ExtIo  .dll file


Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: flintstone mop on March 25, 2012, 07:09:25 AM
you may want to go to the control panel and remove EXTIo.
EXTIo is a download from the internet? From the maker of your SDR??

Any way donwload it again reinstall. When the screens come up to tell the software where to install, type in the path to the WINRAD folder.

KF1Z also has a good suggestion but the settings and registry are not going to be happy. Remove the EXTIo and reinstall to the proper folder.
I'm guessing EXTIo is the driver for the USB port to talk to the SDR??

Your SDR will not operate using FLEX Power SDR???........googling seems to be problems with the USB driver to work with the FLEX power SDR

Sometimes you must install everything (software/drivers) first THEN connect the hardware after. The computer will configure the magic part.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 25, 2012, 09:05:47 AM
This is not a windows install program .

Simply put it into the Winrad or HDSDR program folder.

And select that .dll as the input in the program.

Yes power sdr will run it, but you STILL need that .dll in the program folder to
operate the Si570 LO.

Registry settings are irrelavent.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: flintstone mop on March 26, 2012, 06:47:33 AM
Ok Steve
I'm getting on track, a little.
Did you extract the extIO DLL file? It may have been zipped and needs to extract to the WINRAD folder for your SDR. (Winrad or HPSDR)

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 26, 2012, 10:03:34 AM
Ok ...I don't have it working yet...I have  HDSDR ,(now called WinRad?)program on the C: drive ...I put Extio in that file.... I got the extio file from the pe0xxx page .IT is the recommended source for the extIO...I put lisusb.dll in that file...I can see them in there when I look at the HDSDR file...
   Bruce , You said to select that dll file as the input to that program...Does that mean it has to be first in line on the list of program contents?  It is not now.
   Fred You asked if I unzipped the extIO file....I don't know...How can I tell?
  I have tried the flex software and got nothing...I uninstalled it...   Raining here today so I will be in the shack...  Thanks guys.....Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 26, 2012, 12:39:00 PM
Give me the link,
And tell me exactly what you downloaded...

I just looked at the link given above....

All I see is a configuration tool download..
Which I think will be handy.
BUT, you RUN that file... don't move it anywhere.

I BELIEVE that it puts the .dll file where it needs to be...

I am going to try in now, even though I don't have a softrock, I should be able to tell what it does....

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 26, 2012, 12:52:43 PM
Ok, I see now...

I am assuming you downloaded "CFGSR" from   ?

After downloading that file, you must RUN it, to install CFGSR on your system.

After that's done,
 you must go into the folder in C:\Program Files (x86)\CFGSR\ExtIO_Si570

In that folder is the file named ExtIO_Si570.dll

Copy or drag and drdop that file into the Winrad or HDSDR folder at:

C:\Program Files (x86)\HDSDR   or C:\Program Files (x86)\winrad   whichever you've got.

see picture:


Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: flintstone mop on March 27, 2012, 11:16:22 AM
Stay with us Steve, You are almost there. It seems a little daunting with these computer terms like RUN, EXTRACT, copy paste..........remember....Google is your friend. Whatever you are thinking just type it in Google and read the results. Someone else is going through the same thing.
We will be reading about your success soon


Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 27, 2012, 12:09:28 PM
Stay with us Steve, You are almost there. It seems a little daunting with these computer terms like RUN, EXTRACT, copy paste..........remember....Google is your friend. Whatever you are thinking just type it in Google and read the results. Someone else is going through the same thing.
We will be reading about your success soon


Thanks Fred...I had to back away for a while...I managed to get the HDSDR files so messed up I couldn't get anything to I am taking a break...I am going to uninstall all of it and start over....I still have a problem message that "windows does not recognize the USB device" when I plug the softrock usb cord in.. and I'm "missing libusb0.dll"     I have just about worn out the google key on my machine trying to educate myself...I'm not about to give up..We have a day of good weather here before a 3 day bout of rain is supposed to move in, so I will be outside today and go after the softrock again when the wx turns wet...Thanks for the encouragement...I'm having fun....Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 27, 2012, 06:58:07 PM
Rain started early...Bruce, (or anyone else)How do I capture the image of the winrad file contents so I can post it and show you guys what is in there.???

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 27, 2012, 08:00:03 PM
Rain started early...Bruce, (or anyone else)How do I capture the image of the winrad file contents so I can post it and show you guys what is in there.???

There is a way...  with the "print Scr" key.... need to use either Alt+ print scr, or something like that

But with Win7, I've never figured it out.

I used a screen capture dialog with my photo software...

There is only 3 files in the Winrad folder

ExtIO_Si570.dll  ( once you copy it there)

That's it


Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 27, 2012, 08:55:35 PM
I may have to make some adjustments...After reading Pe0fko instructions, and following what I thought I needed. I wound up with 8 files in there...    I put in libusb0.dll to get winrad to open because it wouldn't open and I got a message to that effect...

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 28, 2012, 02:16:51 PM
OK...I reloaded HDSDR and the ExtIO and the liusb0.dll and the softrock receives on one band (I can't tell which one)  With HDSDR running, I go to OPTIONS, "select input" and I'm supposed to see "ExtIO" or "softrock" and be able to click on one of those but I don't see either of those ...I see "wav file" or "sound card" and one other....I have the sound card configured correctly, I have the HDSDR file set up correctly but....
   It seems like I have no control of the Si570..won't change bands...The numbers on the screen change but the rx stays on the same freq....  I remain confused..Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KC2ZFA on March 28, 2012, 02:30:14 PM
go to

get the driver zip file, and follow the instructions for Windows 7 (64 bits).


Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 28, 2012, 03:54:16 PM

Can you list the filenames WITH extensions that are in the winrad program folder? (C:\Program Files (x86)\winrad)

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 28, 2012, 04:00:07 PM
I can't get windows 7 to install the driver (Pe0fko) for my "unknown device"..When I go to device drivers and update the driver for the unknown device..and refer it to the pe0fko driver,  windows says "can't install because of error"( code 43)..

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 28, 2012, 04:10:50 PM
If you are trying to install the drivers from that zipfile mentioned...

remember with this type of driver NEVER let windows do it automatically.

you must choose the driver manually or it will not work

using hdwwiz is the easy way

Getting an "unknown device" could mean the firmware in the pic is either not there or currupt...
COULD mean that.... not that it IS

Usually windows will know what the device is, even if the drivers aren't loaded yet

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 28, 2012, 04:36:27 PM
Bruce... This is what I see;
hdsdr_keyboard shortcuts
HDSDR_Release notes

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: WA1GFZ on March 28, 2012, 04:45:50 PM
Trust us the learning curve sucks.
Take notes because you will forget
It will work then you will be happy

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 28, 2012, 04:51:21 PM
Trust us the learning curve sucks.
Take notes because you will forget
It will work then you will be happy
Thanks for the encouragement...I'm not pissed off yet..The reading I have done suggests that there is no shortage of problems getting this going...
  Yes taking notes is a good thing...way too easy to forget what I've done so far

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: WA1GFZ on March 28, 2012, 04:54:16 PM
been there.
Good thing a smart guy steps up and sets you straight.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 28, 2012, 05:41:27 PM
Bruce... This is what I see;
hdsdr_keyboard shortcuts
HDSDR_Release notes

The only difference is:

I do not have the pe0fko file.. OR  libusb0.dll in the program folder

( libusb0.dll is installed as part of the WinUSB package)

I DO have:

Delete settings.cmd

And of course my "HDSDR_install.exe"  is not in the folder, that's still in the download folder.

So.. I don't know.. if windows is complaining about a driver then you have to straighten that out FIRST.

By the way....
the frequncy you're listening to is likely :
14.080mhz  or
7.040mhz  or
3.520 mhz
Because the default startup frequency of the Si670 is 56.320mhz

/4 = 14.080
/8=  7.040
/16 = 3.520

Not sure which division the ensemble you have is set up to use

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 28, 2012, 06:09:03 PM
Bruce..I missed the "delete settings cmd"when I typed...I have it in the file..and after reloading HDSDR..I now have the WinRadPx.dll...still no joy....

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 29, 2012, 01:04:25 PM
I have windows 7 telling me there is no driver for this device when I plug in the softrock USB..I go to device manager and try to install the Pe0fko driver and windoze won't let me..says It has already installed the proper driver for ths chasing its tail...I have tried to put the driver in thru manual install  thru DRIVER UPDATE,HAVE DISK, and then put the Pe0fko driver location in the window and windoze tells me that "that software doesnt have a device driver" I tried hdwwiz and no joy..
  In HDSDR, with it  running, I go to OPTIONS, select input, and it says "No ExtIO file found"
  I'm out of ideas...but I'm still looking...  I feel like I'm close with HDSDR so I'm hesitant to try the flex software or Rocky etc....  Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 29, 2012, 02:44:04 PM
Is the "...the Pe0fko driver ..." in a ZIP file?
Or did you extract it into a folder?

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 29, 2012, 03:41:10 PM
It still says ZIP  I used tinyzip to open it and I can see all of its contents...Did I unzip it?

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 29, 2012, 03:42:00 PM
What do you mean extract to a folder?

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 29, 2012, 04:38:09 PM
That's why windows can't get to the driver files it needs.
No, just opening and looking at the files does not extract them.

Do this.

Create a new folder, right on your desktop.

Put the zipfile containing the driver files IN that folder.

double click on the folder.

RIGHT click on the zipfile... choose  "exctract here".

I'm not sure the options "tinyzip" gives you/./.
But in any case, make sure that it extracts the files to the same folder you created on the desktop,
just so you can find them easily.


Just went and looked at tinyzip

Use the open archive (like you did already to look at the files..)
Then click "extract"
A dialog opens to choose where to extract the files.... choose the new folder you made

But it is kinda clunky, and not very friendly

I suggest installing either "7zip"  or "WinRar" instead.

But in any case,
you need to get the files OUT of the archive for windows to use them

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 29, 2012, 04:49:12 PM
What do you mean extract to a folder?

What I mean is..

The "zip" file ( could be any type of archive file)

Is sort of like a folder... it holds many files and compresses them to take up less space and easier management etc.

So the files need to be taken out of that zip file (extracted) in order for windows to use them.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 29, 2012, 05:56:38 PM
Igot    the pe0-driver, put it on the desktop, unzipped it, tried to install it thru DEVICE the driver for my UNKNOWN DEVICE USB..
I'm sure it"s unzipped.... windows won't take it...I also tried putting a copy of the driver in the program files ..nothing..
  I got rid of tiny zip and got 7zip...much better....Thanks

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 29, 2012, 06:44:56 PM
Igot    the pe0-driver, put it on the desktop, unzipped it, tried to install it thru DEVICE the driver for my UNKNOWN DEVICE USB..
I'm sure it"s unzipped.... windows won't take it...I also tried putting a copy of the driver in the program files ..nothing..
  I got rid of tiny zip and got 7zip...much better....Thanks


So now you have a regular windows folder named "PE0FKO-USB-Driver-"  on the desktop right?

So now...

Start hdwwiz ( from start menu search )

First popup click next
Second, select... "Install the hardware that I manually select from a list".... click next
on this next screen, scroll down and select "libusb win32 devices"...... click next
On the next screen, just click in the white area so nothing is selected ( unless the DG8SAQ device is listed, then select it) Click "have disk"
Now you have an "install from disk" popup, click browse.... Point this file browser to the folder that has the driver in it... select the file "pe0fko".... click OPEN
Then on the Install from disk popup, click OK

Now back on the Add Hardware popup, select NEXT
Then NEXT on the following screen
It should start to install, then you get a nasty windows message about the driver... Click on "Install Anyway"
The install should complete... click finish.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 29, 2012, 07:27:15 PM
I don't find Libus win 32 devices....if I bypass that and go to have disk and point my driver to the window starts to install and then ....cannot find file specified file

Am I missing libusb 32 win devices?  where should I find it?   I've seen it in the files somewhere..

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 30, 2012, 01:20:07 PM
The instruction on the Pe0fko software install page says "special care must be taken when installing on a x64 system"   I wonder how I go about that?   Thanks for all the help so far..Bruce, you have gone above and beyond...I'm still working on it...Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 30, 2012, 02:40:37 PM
the instructions I gave you were derived from a Win7 64b system. ( mine)

I am not sure why you didn't find the "libusb devices".

Maybe it is listed already on my system because of other SDRs I use install as libusb devices.

I'm not sure at this point...

other than to follow the directions on pe0fko page.

Have you tried that again, now that you have the files extracted from the .zip file

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 30, 2012, 03:10:15 PM
other than to follow the directions on pe0fko page.

Have you tried that again, now that you have the files extracted from the .zip file

Again and again...I'm going to clean up a few things on my machine and then see if I can get the liusb win 32 file in my device drivers  and then start over...

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KF1Z on March 30, 2012, 05:37:48 PM
Did you build this softrock yourself?

I was looking around....
And all seem to agree that you should NOT get a "usb device not recognized" error IF the hardware is ok.

Which is what I thought too.

So, stop fiddling with drivers etc for now.....   go here and read this thread:

And do another search too on that group for "ensemble device not recognized", and/or "usb ensemble"... etc....

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 30, 2012, 07:15:48 PM
Thanks Bruce.. Another ham built this board for me...he said he had it working on 20 and 40 but had inadequate computer to test it further..I agree that its time to look at the hardware...I have given the board an inspection under the big magnifier and haven't found anything yet...I will have to have a look at the parts placement on the board .... Test my usb cord..thanks     Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: flintstone mop on March 30, 2012, 09:17:37 PM
"inadequate computer power to test it further means" it doesn't work.
Maybe someone here can check the board for errors. I assume there are SMT devices.
That would leave me out to be able to see the DAM things.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: flintstone mop on March 31, 2012, 07:04:14 AM
Hey Steve
There are articles in QST to use a webcam (?) to be able to look closely at the PC board. A bad solder joint on an IC could kill the whole operation.

Is this what you are using Steve?

I am looking through the "pages" and there are a lot of areas to get in trouble.

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on March 31, 2012, 09:38:18 AM
Hey Steve
There are articles in QST to use a webcam (?) to be able to look closely at the PC board. A bad solder joint on an IC could kill the whole operation.

Is this what you are using Steve?

I am looking through the "pages" and there are a lot of areas to get in trouble.

Fred..I'm all over the wb5rvz site...You can't (soft)ROCK without it....Yup..lots areas to make mistakes...My unit receives.. It is on a default freq...The (Si570) chip controls the freq oscillator and is usb controlled...the thinking now is that if the hardware is not right, the software won't recognize the chip...I'll look it over some more today...could be a solder error or a component error...If I can't find anything, I will send it to another ham that has built one and has it working and see if mine will work on his computer... wish me luck...Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on April 02, 2012, 11:25:44 AM
Update:   I inspected the board for solder bridges and component placement, substituted USB and stereo  cords...No Joy...during my inspection, I removed the AtTiny chip from its socket and put it back...I fear I fried it with static...Now all I can get out of the RX is a loud buzz.......Is there any way to check that chip other than replacement?

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: flintstone mop on April 03, 2012, 06:52:39 AM
Hi Steve
Others here may boohoo me for this, but how much was that RX board?? Is it available as kit only? Offered as built and tested??
Start the process over again. Uninstall and or delete all files in your computer that were downloaded for this project and start over..
ZIP Hint:when you download a file that has DOT ZIP then right clik the file and there will be dialogue to extract all
The wizard will start up and then you BROWSE for the proper folder (your winrad folder) where the extracted driver will be placed.
Download the SDR software and the driver for the Ensemble II. THEN connect the hardware to the computer and the computer will hopefully set-up the rest of the process. I think you mentioned you have WIN 7 and that OS is usually pretty friendly to get problems resolved. Hopefully you are 32 bit..

A side comment: Reading into this Ensemble II and the website. It seems to be plagued with USB driver issues. If you are considering starting over, could you consider something a little more friendly to a typical computer user. Some of the comments to help are mind boggling, and some folks love the challenge to fight with a computer. I don't.

I have been down these dead ends with computers. The little softrock board I had worked flawlessly using Flex Power SDR. With the "UNsupported" sound card option in the setup. Perfect to get your feet wet and enjoy an SDR.


Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: KL7OF on April 03, 2012, 08:25:11 AM
Hi Fred..   Thanks for the ideas..The Softrock EnsembleII cost $57 as a kit..I have seen posts where people have been able to order one assembled and tested, but I don't see that available on Tony Parks site..
  I enjoy a challenge, but I don't enjoy fighting with a computer...I have always thought that it would have been great if I could have run my business the way computer manufacturers and software companies run theirs...Put out an expensive, high profit product that is unfinished and not compatible and get people to buy it and beta test it and keep coming back for more..Don't get me wrong,I think the softrock is a great product, but the computer hassles are more than I'm willing to deal with now that Spring is here and I can get outdoors and hunt and fish and fly and ride etc..  
   I have put the softrock on the shelf for now....I have other things to do that are more fun now....I'll get to it in the Fall when it starts to get cold and I migrate indoors..Ham radio has always been a Fall and Winter activity for me..I'll get some SDR going, but I didn't make it happen this Winter....
  One thing that is great is the help I get from the forum members.. When I built my Tesla 360 (10 yrs ago?) the AM Forum was there to help...I learned a lot..Same with SDR,..I'm just not done with  it  yet...      73      Steve

Title: Re: softrock, hardrock, software.......
Post by: WA1GFZ on April 03, 2012, 03:34:39 PM
Tony is a good guy. Maybe as a last resort you could send it to him to take a look at the board.
AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands