The AM Forum

THE AM BULLETIN BOARD => QSO => Topic started by: W2NBC on February 27, 2012, 04:40:09 PM

Title: "Radio Frequency" makes you YOUNGER...
Post by: W2NBC on February 27, 2012, 04:40:09 PM
Ok.. this ISN'T a joke..  :o

A NEW line noise invaded my RF space.. It was a pulsating on-off wideband sound primarily heard on 75 and 160. It didn't sound like traditional insulator power company problems or electric fence ticking.. AND the most important thing was that it occurred ONLY at night and ONLY for about 15 minutes.. I live in a pretty rural spot with one neighbor across the street and sparse houses scattered many acres away. I finally had the time to get my trusty AM radio receiver out when it was happening, and sure enough, the neighbor across the street was the CULPRIT..ah HA!!! Yesterday, I got the courage to knock on the door...AND yes ladies and gentlemen THIS is what she was using..

Now.. I wonder how ferrite hanging off the cord as she gently caresses her face with "radio frequency" will play.. HMMM

and instead of running to the gym with your wife, just tell her you're "using the radio to get younger for you honey"..  

and forget the LOW-T

Title: Re: "Radio Frequency" makes you YOUNGER...
Post by: W1AEX on February 27, 2012, 05:03:44 PM
Glad you found the culprit Jeff. Now that she knows you'll be monitoring her usage, I wonder if she'll be embarrassed enough to cut back on her efforts to prevent premature aging? The claim pasted in below got my attention. Do you think our higher amplitude devices will turn the clock back for us?

"DermaWand contains the same radio frequency technology, but with a lower amplitude for home use, as the big medical RF machines that can only be used by Doctors and medical specialists, for treating the effects of premature aging."

Hmmm... according to the claim below, it runs as high as 168,000 hz. I'll bet that sucker has quite a gentle stream of harmonics too! You might want to hang a low pass filter onto the output of the emitter along with 10 pounds of ferrite!

"the DermaWand stimulates and rejuvenates by sending out a gentle stream of low level micro-current impulses up to 168,000 cycles per second"


Title: Re: "Radio Frequency" makes you YOUNGER...
Post by: W2NBC on February 27, 2012, 05:27:22 PM

Hey Rob,

Sorry, I was outside with a brick on the foot switch, full-strap just to get my dose of "radio frequency".. And the cool thing is, I look 5 years younger.. That is, if I could open the door with the RF burns on my hands..

I have decided, for the sake of extra disposable income, to announce myself in the neighborhood as the source for HIGHER AMPLITUDE "Radio Frequency". That way, I can perhaps charge a modest fee to hang out in the yard while I'm transmitting..

A whole new world...  :P

Title: Re: "Radio Frequency" makes you YOUNGER...
Post by: W1AEX on February 27, 2012, 07:19:13 PM

I have decided, for the sake of extra disposable income, to announce myself in the neighborhood as the source for HIGHER AMPLITUDE "Radio Frequency". That way, I can perhaps charge a modest fee to hang out in the yard while I'm transmitting..

A whole new world...  :P

Sounds like a great idea Jeff. I've noticed my neighbors are far more beautiful after I operate AM. Unfortunately, even short sessions of SSB operation cause them to "degrade" like my neighbor in the picture who wandered into the back yard following a brief carrier deficient contact on 40 meters.

Title: Re: "Radio Frequency" makes you YOUNGER...
Post by: kb3rdt on February 27, 2012, 08:25:57 PM
Now I know why I don't talk on Sideband!

Title: Re: "Radio Frequency" makes you YOUNGER...
Post by: W2VW on February 27, 2012, 08:38:34 PM
Well at least it wasn't B.O.B.

AMfone - Dedicated to Amplitude Modulation on the Amateur Radio Bands